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Posts posted by Fufuu

  1. Sounds like something is going on with the pump. I would get a hold of Corsair support for a RMA on that pump.


    I opened a case for that. I just resolved the issue with my USB header. I connected the CoPro to another USB 2.0 port on the motherboard => Success !!!


    Now I just have the pump issue.

  2. Right. The problem is each of those PWM LL fans also has a tach and PWM wire in the same place. The controller should not care what's on the other end. If there is a controller issue, it should be the same result for all of them when on #6 or the pump should be read on a different header if the #6 header is the defective. Your problem looks like a tach wire issue on the pump, except that it is then read and controlled through the motherboard header. Not really sure what to suggest at this point since the troubleshooting is leading us in circles --- aside from continuing to use the motherboard as the control source.


    This evening I tried to plug it on the motherboard again. This time, the motherboard also doesn't show me RPM. But the motherboard change the pump speed in function of CPU temperature. It's really strange ...

  3. I don't know. A bug or glitch with iCUE could affect the lighting or presets, but this information would be sent across the USB channel. The pump only send a tachometer and PWM control wire to the Commander Pro. It doesn't know what is on the other end, just that something is there and it is moving. While reservoir materials and design vary quite a bit, the D5 pump is pretty consistent. I have been running a D5 pump from another brand for two years on my Commander Pro header #6 and it has never done this or glitched in anyway. I don't really understand this at all. I do know the Hydro X team is aware.


    Did you try moving one of the other case fans from headers 1-5 over to #6, just to verify header #6 does recognize something?


    Yes I tried on all fan ports. When I set on Auto the pump stop to run. When I set to 4-Pin, I have 0RPM even though the pump is running.

  4. Hello guys,


    Regarding the pump, I plugged it on the moterboard and I had information about RPM. I tried every single port on the CoPro and it didn't work in any of the ports.


    Regarding the power supply, disable the windows fast boot didn't resolve my issue :)

  5. Hello,


    I'll try to disable Windows Fast Boot but the fast boot on motherboard is already disabled. Regarding the pump, I tried all combination: Auto, 3-Pin, 4-Pin. In Auto and 3-Pin, the fan channel is not shown and the pump runs slowly. In 4-pin, the pump runs at the maximum speed and iCUE indicates me 0 RPM even after choosing the Hydro X pump profile.


    Thank you !

  6. Hello,


    I just finished to implement a full Corsair Hydro X watercooling system. I have two issues with my Commander Pro:


    - I plugged the Corsair XD5 to the CoPro on fan port 6 (temperature cable on port 1). The pump is not detected in iCUE, only 5 fans are shown (my 5 LL120). The 6th fan port is not displayed and the pump run really slowly.

    - The USB header on CoPro seems to not work: I plugged my power supply (HX1200i) on CoPro and it is not detected in iCUE. If I plug the power supply USB cable on motherboard, its work.


    Could you help me please with my issues ?



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