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Posts posted by NoobOwnag

  1. I am sorry you feel this way.


    A Corsair Employee Replies with "I'm sorry you feel this way." Wow, it's impressive to me that thousands of people can be reporting this bug, and the software development team at Corsair can simply ignore the issue. Why does this happen? Can we get some technical detail? SideTones are an important feature and a strong reason why these headsets are ideal. When the feature works its very nice; and prevents the user from being louder than they need to be as they can hear themself talk through the microphone.


    Why, when I mute, then unmute the microphone does the software forget to introduce the sidetone? Only when I restart the iCue software does it "SOMETIMES" work again. I notice that when I shutdown my PC the sidetones begin to work just as the machine shuts down. How unfortunate that a company such as Corsair, that has an incredible product line, can do such a poor job on the supporting software. I am incredibly disappointed and flabbergasted as to why this has gone on for so long with not a response worthy of note. Just a bug we have to live with; or buy a new product. Sad... just Sad...



    Disappointed Void Pro RGB User.

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