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Posts posted by canonsvogel

  1. Hello,


    I've mounted the h150i pro last friday in my pc.

    My cpu is ryzen 7 3700x.

    I did some stress tests and found that i have fairly high temperatures.

    When idle it's around 45 degree (Ryzen master). When stress testing with aida 64 extreme, temperatures rise up to 75(ryzen master) and 85 (Aida monitor).


    Pump and fans are set to balanced


    The liquid temperature is then around 29 degree.

    I already tried remounting it. I found that there is a thermal pad instead of thermal paste. Should I change it to thermal paste? The thermal pad doesn't cover the full cpu surface.


    I also tried some overclocking. Set voltage to 1.4 and core speed to 4.3 ghz.

    The CPU power usage is then arround 105-110 watt.

    Themperature rised about 10 degree higher to 85 in ryzen master and 95 in aida 64 monitor.


    What can I do about it?




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