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Posts posted by SailorSible

  1. Hi.

    On september 27 2016 I bought the super large K95 RGB keyboard (not the platinum one) and I've been the happiest with it.


    Just a few minutes ago it began having this issue when it started, out of nowhere, turning itself off and back on randomly, at some point it even totally shut itself off, completely dark and dead, and that's where I panicked the most.

    I use it on linux 100% of the time, and for most stuff it works great as long as I've saved my colouring and profiles on the keyboard's memory form a window's CUE.

    After plugging it off and on again and the problem persisting, I thought it may be a linux problem.


    I have a different, separate machine with Windows 10 on it (not a partition), so I plugged it on it to test if that could be it. I updated the keyboards firmware on the CUE, but I saw the problem happen again after a few minutes. The thing goes off and on, I can hear the windows tune when a usb device plugs off and on.


    Since it happens on both OS systems and different machines, I'm pretty sure its the keyboard, but idk what you think.


    I don't know where the issue could be located or if it is a repairable hardware issue, but whatever it is, if it's identifiable and repairable, I'm all up for it.


    I once spilled soda over it and the rgb colours got crazy, I felt so bad that time. I cleaned it by pouring and draining it with alcohol and distilled water over 5 days and it came back to normal for a whole year or so until now; that was the happiest day ever. A few keys on the numberpad stayed sticky, but I didn't try to clean it more cause I didn't want to expose it to more treatment.

    Just a couple of days ago I had removed the key caps and put them back on to give it basic cleaning maintenance.

    And that's its whole story.


    I couldn't replace this keyboard now, no retailer is selling the K95 anymore and it'd be too expensive for me to be able to replace it for the same. I just love this keyboard, it's looks, it's lots of macros, it's looks; corsair is not making them like this anymore. I have a more recent K65 for the other machine, but this one is the one I thought would be with me for the most part of my life; I thought I'd just be replacing it's keycaps and giving it maintenance, but not have to replace it. I really wish you guys can help me, it'd be ridiculous for a 450 dollar keyboard to fail at JUST above two years of use (it's just 3 moths beyond the 2 year warranty). Since it's pretty much the most you can pay for a keyboard, one is certainly not expecting for it to last 2 years, that's 450 dollars that lasted just two years; there'd be no profit on buying a keyboard like this in that case.


    Thank you beforehand.

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