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Posts posted by conj2323

  1. LED's will only stay at white, full intensity, when connected to lighting node pro, but work perfect if connected to commander pro.

    I have this led strip - WS2812B 5V 5050 RGB LED Strip 5meter/150 leds - https://www.ebay.com/itm/WS2812B-5V-5050-RGB-LED-Strip-1-5M-30-60-144-150-300-Leds-Individual-Addressable/143041585722?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=442005733324&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649


    I cut the strip to be 40 LED's, the same as 4 lengths of Corsair led strips. I ran a separate 5v power wire from the PC power supply and have the ground + data connected through the lighting channel connector. If I connect these to a lighting node pro, they will only light up white full intensity. I can't turn them off or change anything via software. I've tried both link and icue. Node is flashed with latest firmware. If I connect the strip to a 3-pin lighting channel on the corsair commander pro, they work perfect, full RGB. Anyone know why? I've tried multiple node pro's on 2 different systems, they only light up white.

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