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Posts posted by Miroljoeb

  1. Hi all,


    I own 6 LL 120 mm RGB fans along with the lightning nodes and a Commander Pro. I use iCue. When I first got the fans and commander pro (including the newly replaced ones), everything worked fine! I had maximum control of all rgb fans and I was very happy with them. But after some time, say three months, the fans started to exhibit weird behaviour. Sometimes the colour of one or more fans would display incorrectly, no matter which mode the fans were in (Rainbow, static color, alternating colors, I am familiar with the software bugs using static color). I was able to curb this behaviour by reducing the number of LEDS per fan. This solved these problems and the fans were fully controllable.

    Until not much later, because some fans would not react anymore or be consistently at the setting I wanted, with the exeption that the LEDS can be shut off without a problem. Disabling more LED's did not solve the issues anymore. Now I am in the situation where the RGB on only two fans work properly, the rest is disabled. The rest does not respond, either not at all or not consistently to the settings I feed them.

    I do not have any problems with fan control, only the rgb control.


    Now comes the kicker. I have had this exact problem twice! I RMA'ed my fans, rgb controllers, lightning nodes and commander pro under the premise that this problem was due to either faulty fans or commander pro.


    Does anybody know if I am dealing with an hardware issue or software issue here? Is this caused by iCue, Windows, the fans, commander pro or other hardware? I reinstalled iCue multiple times, tried shutting down Corsair services (other known bug), etc.


    I am gonna rule out the question which everyone is gonna ask: have you connected the fans properly? The answer is yes, all fans are connected to the commander pro for power and fan control and all rgb connectors are connected via the rgb hubs (with the six rgb connector inlets) to the commander pro. I have tried multiple setups to check whether it was a problem on my side. I've tried switching every rgb connector and also tried to divide the rgb connectors between the two hubs, with or without the lightning nodes and switching between them to eliminate the possibility of a faulty lightning node. I even disconnected some fans from the system altogether.

    I am fairly certain that if it was due to the order of the connections on the hub or node, the chance is 1 in a billion that this would happen to me twice, in the exact same way, with two different sets of products. Furthermore, it does not explain why it worked fine in the first three months.

    I also tried different ports for the Commander Pro on my motherboard, with no succes. I also have plenty of power to power all these fans (and other hardware)


    Any help would be appreciated. RMA'ing is within my rights as a consumer, but it feels a bit wasteful to keep RMA'ing fans every three months to have the products I paid for.

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