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Posts posted by snowballer

  1. The battery indicator isn't completely accurate because there are a few reasons why:


    1.) It doesn't have a true battery gauge like you find on a phone because such a component is actually really expensive (and usually reserved for cell phones). As a result, our LED indicator is very generous in how it displays color. Even though you see amber, its still going to last up to the hours we promised. The headset may never actually report 100% to become solid green but anything between 90-ish% means its near full. You can test this yourself by using the headset and timing how long it lasts (with the knowledge that no RGB lighting = more battery life).

    I'm not sure what is wrong with my headset but I would leave my corsair void pro wireless headset charging all night and in the morning it is almost always around 30%, it's plugged in the back of my pc on the mobo in a usb 2.0 port.

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