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Posts posted by craw169

  1. - big thank you to the people who developed this

    - i use linux and shame on you corsair for not supporting it...i have corsair ram, lighting node pro, power supply, corsair h60 water cooler and now a k70 lux rgb keyboard that is all officially unsupported. wake up and provide linux support

    - i use my lightning node pro by starting a vm and setting the lights the way i want and then they stay as set when vm is shutdown. for keyboard, i can't do this because i need the keyboard to login, etc

    - my question for all the linux users is: is it possible to use the keyboard without ckb-daemon. do i have to use the bios switch to do this? reason i ask is because i am worried that at some point the linux driver will stop being supported by the community and stop working with new kernels and then i will be stuck with a useless keyboard. i am not as concerned about the lights, but right now i cannot get my keyboard to work at all without running the ckb-daemon. i see some hits on google where i think people are using the keyboard (without lights) with no ckb-daemon. can anyone confirm this is true or not? any ideas what i am doing wrong? i tried adding the quirks to my kernel boot but has no effect.

    - thanks for any help you can provide...i still have a few days to return this and might do so because i am worried about it becoming useless. i might go for a k95 because i think i can set the lights in it in a VM and the settings will persist when the vm is shutdown...but as a keyboard that could still be useless if ckb support ends....almost feels like 1997

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