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Posts posted by gasanchez

  1. Hey! So I know it's not an easy fix or anything, but there is a way to fix the sidetone volume. First, if you don't have Notepad++, head over to https://notepad-plus-plus.org and download the latest version. Next, follow the path C:\Program Files (x86)\Corsair\Corsair Utility Engine\devices, Find your headset from the devices list, right click and open it with Notepad++, and scroll down to line 348, change the "maxSidetoneLevelValue" from 25 to 100 and save the changes to the document. Close out of Notepad++ and change the slider from 25 to 100 in your audio settings. Hope this helps!


    So I looked in the directory and there's no devices folder once I get into the Corsair Utility Engine folder... :(

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