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Posts posted by Godryc

  1. On 2/4/2022 at 10:40 AM, SpyVision said:

    Can only see a limited list, earlier there was a lot more. Seems to be blocked for me?

    All user submitted gifs have been removed. They must not have been original enough. Only the four original official Corsair submissions remain. I guess the mods didn't like our submissions because literally every single one has been removed.

  2. This morning when I turned on my PC, icue 4 suddenly and for no apparent reason added some additional lighting to one of my profiles. I use said profile as default and I keep the lighting somewhat muted. This morning however as my PC booted up and icue started up, I found icue had added some additional lighting. I only had two fans illuminated on this profile, but this morning icue randomly added lighting to two additional fans as well as the lightstrip.

    What's up with that?! So weird.

  3. Since the Lian Li software and fans include a "passthrough" mode to allow the fans to be controlled via Asus RGB software, as well as the fact that the Lian Li fans have an RGB header which can be plugged into the motherboard, I was wondering if anyone has been able to control their Lian Li fans via icue? If so, can you please detail your experience in setting this up and how well it works?

  4. 12 minutes ago, c-attack said:

    If you disconnect the splitter from the LCD top and the Commander Core, you should have two normal 'female' USB 2 connectors (9 pin holes) on the devices own line.  If you can reach the bottom of your motherboard (where most USB 2 male ports are located), then you can connect them directly so they don't share a line.  This was a recommended troubleshooting step to try in the main discussion thread and it makes sense in light of what others have reported.  However, it has not been a universal solution for all, so this should be viewed as a temporary measure to solve this.  


    If you can't reach the MB internal USB ports from the CPU block or Com Core in back, then you could try the extensions or my recommendation is to get a powered USB hub for the back where the cables do reach.  Those typically have 4-5 USB male ports and you can connect the devices 1 to a port on that.  


    Ok, I see what you are saying, makes sense now. I will keep that solution in mind, should the LCD screen lose connection again. Thanks again for all your help!

  5. 1 hour ago, Liberatedmind said:

    So in other words you guys are thinking its a failure at the splitter, which is what I honestly think it is also, the wires at the splitters are extremely brittle and thin.   
    However, when purchasing a $99 to go ontop the alreadyt $200 aio, this is the last thing that anyone needs to be cheaping out on.   Now, as you suggeted to this individual would ne nice to have a free usb port but if you buy the corsair aio, have a corsair commander, then the fans, then have led strips, can you suggest where we can pull this extra usb port from our motherboards from? especiually since for some odd reason you guys didnt make the aio able to run off the commander core usb ports?

    It's weird however that a full power off of the computer, switching the psu switch off and draining the board of all power corrects this issue, till it arises again.  

    Extremely strange and honestly I think it has something to do with software more than hardware after I keep investigating my own issues further.


    Yeah that is why I am saying this seems to be an early adopter problem. I'm sure things will improve and possibly Corsair will even revamp the hardware itself. FYI, I dont think c-attack is a Corsair employee, just a helpful member.

  6. And just like that our of the blue the screen comes on again... Not sure but maybe it came back because I did a cold start rather than a reboot. Thank you for your help and thank you for the link to the thread. I'll have to dig into that thread in case the screen looses connection again. From what I've seen it seems to be a fairly common issue. Perhaps an early adopter problem. As much as I prefer icue 4 over 3, it does seem to have a lot of bugs that need to be fixed.

    • Like 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, c-attack said:

    1) While users do report error with hardware lighting on KB/mice, it is extremally rare to see it on fan controllers.  When you are in CUE and go to Hardware Lighting, does that hardware turn white?


    2) You can untick the enable plugins, reboot and try.  It's as simple as flicking the switch back on if it does not work.  Be aware you do need the base Asus Aura/Armory Crate installed for CUE to control the MB lighting.  It can't physically hijack the board, but piggybacks off the Asus software.  Asus also has a tendency to automatically download Armory Crate the moment you boot up with internet.  Your OS may block or require permission but not always.  However, I think #3 may be more on point.


    3) The red triangle stuff with the LCD top is a warning the LCD and CUE are not talking.  This may prevent you from being able to save HW Lighting because of the break in communication.  If you can't solve the LCD issue by running separate USB 2 connections, try disconnecting the LCD top (USB only), then boot up and see if you can set the fan side without it.  This seems the most probable underlying cause right now.


    1) Ok, I figured out the hardware lighting part. The fans have been turning white, but the RAM has it's own hardware lighting tab and must be set independently. So that was plain user error on my part.

    2) Yep, did all that and I rebooted each time I changed a setting.

    3) What do you mean by running two separate USB connectors? You mean not to use the splitter and purchase my own separate cable and then run that instead of the splitter? It is interesting that the LCD "ring" still shows up as a lighting option but the screen itself does not.

    • Like 1
  8. Ok, just for giggles I disabled all plugins as you suggested. THe Elite Capellix LCD screen still has the red exclamation mark and still no hardware lighting.


    I dont understand why this is happening out of the blue. I purchased the Elite LCD upgrade kit about two weeks ago, uninstalled icue 3, installed icue 4, and everything was working like a charm until this morning out of the blue.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, c-attack said:

    For the RAM?  That may be a clue.  What you have above should give you all white for the pump and fans.  If that's not what you see, my guess is another RGB program is interfering and jumping control when CUE lets go (or beating it to it).  This is a relatively common problem with other motherboard RGB software and some other programs.  Armory Crate typically does not do this, but if you are using to control some other RGB products besides the MB panels it may be set up in a different way.  If you want CUE to control the MB, then you don't want to be messing around in AC at the same time.  If you need AC to control some other 5v RGB connected to the D-RGB headers, then you need to tell CUE to let go of the motherboard.  


    Try disabling "enable software integrations" first.  If that does not work, try the master switch in the CUE general settings (turn off plugins).  That will make the MB drop from CUE, so I am looking for another way.  

    Screenshot (242).png

    Thank you for the quick reply.


    No, not for the RAM, for my Elite LCD screen. The LCD screen is suddenly displaying a red exclamation mark. But when I turn icue OFF the screen comes back online. But the screen no longer shows up in icue.

    I do not have any other RGB software running, just icue 4. I installed the basic Asus RGB driver according to the Corsair icue instructions to get the motherboard RGB to work with icue. Never had an issue.

    I disabled the software integration but that did not fix the issue. I am unsure if I should turn off any and all software integrations as that would mean I can no longer control the motherboard and RGB header lights.

  10. 24 minutes ago, c-attack said:

    Can you show us your HW Lighting tab?  The fans get their instructions through the Commander Core controller and so does the pump LED.  The RAM data saves to the modules and you will notice an active delay between when you select it and it writes the data.  However, all of those are automatic saves to the hardware unlike KBs and mice that require active saves because of their multiple profiles.  

    Sure. This is the tab I am referring to.

    And now a new problem is occurring. I have the dreaded red exclamation mark on my screen. Restarting icue or rebooting my PC does not bring the screen back. However, quitting icue altogether does bring the screen back online. When I restart icue the screen goes offline again. The screen setup and hardware screen settings are now missing from icue as you can see in the screenshot.


  11. Hello. I recently purchased the Elite LCD upgrade kit.  Due to my setup I have the pump installed at a 90 degree angle to clear the hoses. Ie, instad of the hoses being on the right side of the pump at the 3 o clock position, my hoses are a the top at the 12 o' clock position.

    Obviously this means that any images/ gifs being displayed on the LCD pump are flipped counterclockwise by 90 degrees.

    How you rotate the images in icue so that they are displayed correctly right side up on the screen?

  12. It is difficult for me to understand why Corsair even bothers with temp and rom readouts when it is not able to show the min/ max temps. I'd switch exclusively to icue for all my monitoring needs, but without being able to see my max temps icue is utterly useless and pointless.


    Please help me understand why Corsair is unable to implement such a basic function into it's monitoring software.

  13. 1 hour ago, FishBrain said:

    Am really sorry over here. What is the point of these animated gifs, if LCD upgrade kit never was for sale and am starting to believe this product only was available in close circle for promoters. 2 months passed and nothing on Corsair shop and this item is not even a GPU 😕


    You just need to get lucky. I purchased my LCD upgrade kit two days ago, after having checked the Corsair product website almost daily for 2 months. It's already shipped but probably wont arrive before christmas. As for retailers, it seems to me that none of them have ever gotten stock for the kit so far, as none of them even have an out of stock product page.

    Good luck!

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