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Posts posted by LightWhiteWolf

  1. I GOT IT! I FIGURE IT OUT! IT'S THE SOFTWARE. I turned off CUE for the headset and the problem wouldn't repeat, when on, it repeats JUST WHERE AND JUST LIKE IT WAS THE LAST TIME. It also just so happens I updated it today, so all clues point to it being the software. So for now I advise you keep CUE off because all signs point to it being the culprit.

    ANOTHER NOTE JUST FIGURED OUT! It only seems to happen when the headset is set to stereo, not dolby. I'll keep everyone informed if it happens again.

  2. OKAY NOW I'M REALLY CONFUSED. Tried everything I could, reinstalling stuff, multiple reboots, you name it. Now after this ONE RANDOM REBOOT, it won't do it again. I'm racking my brain to figure out whats going on cause it's not my sound card, not the headphones itself, not youtube. I'm going crazy here trying to figure it out.


    I GOT IT! I FIGURE IT OUT! IT'S THE SOFTWARE. I turned off CUE for the headset and the problem wouldn't repeat, when on, it repeats JUST WHERE AND JUST LIKE IT WAS THE LAST TIME. It also just so happens I updated it today, so all clues point to it being the software. So for now I advise you keep CUE off because all signs point to it being the culprit.

  3. I'm also having this, it seemed to start today after updating. I first noticed this on YouTube, randomly videos would begin to increase in volume and distort for around 10 seconds, then would stop. This doesn't happen with any other headphones I have tried or any other device. It's REPEATABLE is the weird thing. I am able to go to any video it happened on, go to the time it happened, and it play from there, and it will ALWAYS happen. That's what had me the BIGGEST confused. I was watching a video called, "Fireworks fails compilation (Epic!)" and it happens at the same clip at the 5:20 mark. About halfway through the clip it will happen. It's confusing the hell out of me because if it was faulty headphones, it SHOULD be completely random right? I haven't had it happen on anything else I have tried ITunes, Discord, and video games. And it can't be YouTube because neither I or my friends can get it to happen on their PC's and they are using different set ups. I really can't figure out what's happening.

    OKAY NOW I'M REALLY CONFUSED. Tried everything I could, reinstalling stuff, multiple reboots, you name it. Now after this ONE RANDOM REBOOT, it won't do it again. I'm racking my brain to figure out whats going on cause it's not my sound card, not the headphones itself, not youtube. I'm going crazy here trying to figure it out.

  4. I'm also having this, it seemed to start today after updating. I first noticed this on YouTube, randomly videos would begin to increase in volume and distort for around 10 seconds, then would stop. This doesn't happen with any other headphones I have tried or any other device. It's REPEATABLE is the weird thing. I am able to go to any video it happened on, go to the time it happened, and it play from there, and it will ALWAYS happen. That's what had me the BIGGEST confused. I was watching a video called, "Fireworks fails compilation (Epic!)" and it happens at the same clip at the 5:20 mark. About halfway through the clip it will happen. It's confusing the hell out of me because if it was faulty headphones, it SHOULD be completely random right? I haven't had it happen on anything else I have tried ITunes, Discord, and video games. And it can't be YouTube because neither I or my friends can get it to happen on their PC's and they are using different set ups. I really can't figure out what's happening.
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