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Posts posted by Archaeologist

  1. Was the macro using the recorded scroll wheel movement?

    Are you able to get the scroll wheel to stop working again? e.g. running the macro?


    Since I bought the mouse, the scroll wheel frequently stops working. Until last week, unplugging the USB and then plugging back in would fix it. However this last week, I now have to unplug and replug several times before I can use the scroll again.

    No. the macros I set up involved the side buttons and not the scroll wheel. They seem to be inconnected to this problem.


    It seems this is just a fault with these mice which Corsair are very slow to recognise and fix.


    I did just click on the support button, but it seems that their support is down for maintenance. Maybe they use these mice too!


    I have just discovered that, like the person who posted above, if I press down on the scroll wheel I can scroll by dragging the mouse, but that is less useful than scrolling by rotating the wheel.

  2. Same problem.

    I bought the mouse (Harpoon Corsair) 2 days ago for work.

    Spent yesterday setting a couple of macros on side buttons, but the scroll wheel worked properly. Today the scroll wheel did nothing in any program until I unplugged and replugged the USB.


    I'm using Win 7 pro 64bit with dual monitors (if that's important.) Programs used - mainly AutoCAD Civil 3d 2018, Word 2013, and IE as the browser. I'm not using it for gaming. The controllable pointer speed is brilliant for digitising in CAD, but the zoom through the scrollwheel is essential.




    Macros set up (which could have interfered maybe?) were for the two buttons on the side which I set to trigger zoom macros in Word which zoom to 500% and back out to page height.

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