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Posts posted by mikeysnonsense

  1. I'm getting ready to return these headphones. I'm sick and tired of them at this point. I loved them, but the past few weeks I have had these issues occur nonstop.


    VOID RGB Wireless Yellowjacket 7.1


    Currently, I am experiencing the following issues:


    -Constant popping/cracking noise. This can be heard from any audio source. The popping is also heard without having any audio playing. It stops for a few seconds at a time, then resumes nonstop.

    -Audio distortion is frequent with louder noises and higher pitches, from any audio source.

    -Audio drops in and out or becomes static-y, distorts, and completely cuts out. The headset then reconnects.


    Audio comes from various sources like youtube, twitch, multiple games, music on my computer (ie not streamed).


    Popping does not occur when I shift or move the headphones; it is constantly and not related to motion.


    I have done MULTIPLE things:

    -Uninstalled and reinstalled CUE.

    -Uninstalled and reinstalled audio drivers on my system.

    -Updated CUE (multiple times since issue began).

    -Updated firmware for headset.

    -Forced firmware update.

    -Unpaired and repaired headset.

    -Used the dongle with and without the extender.

    -Switched USB ports.

    -Used the headset without CUE and with CUE.

    -Used the headset with 7.1 and without 7.1.

    -Adjusted the settings in my computer.

    -Tried multiple CUE preset settings as well as manually adjusting.


    I'm pretty much beyond done with these headphones. Literally, I have researched this issue for hours now over the course of a few weeks, and this issue goes back YEARS. Why has it not been solved? Why, if it is defective headsets, are the headsets being manufactured in the same way? This isn't a one-off issue, this is THE issue it seems when it comes to the VOID wireless headsets. Why. Is. It. Not. Resolved.


    Standard resolution it seems from this point is a new headset, courtesy of Corsair. Yet the replacements often have the same issue. I don't want to go down this route.


    I just want a solution. I am so fed up with this issue. Audio is a HUGE part of my personal gaming experience, enough that even the tiny popping noises and distortion it's affecting my gameplay in a negative way. For example, I mistime spells or skills, because my audio cue is off. I can't enjoy music or streaming or videos either since the audio is unclear and distorts frequently.


    I can't contact support at the moment, since they're gone all weekend. Lovely. :^)

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