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Posts posted by Theri

  1. I am still waiting for an answer for the RMA. I see you guys are having the problem too!


    Since I made this post it has happened 20+ times! Sometimes it will occur multiple times in an hour. Other instances it won't happen for days.


    I really hope for a positive reply from cosair soon :( Have had this problem for a long time now.

  2. Problem: The PC was build around November 2016, ran smoothly the first 1-2 months. PC will shutdown, it can happen anytime. What will happen is the computer will shutdown, then it will stay shut off. I then go ahead and press the on button on the front panel to turn it on, then it will enter a bootloop. The boot loop looks like the kind many other people on these forums are having. The PC will start for 1 second, then shut off for about 3 seconds. This will repeat until I am "lucky" and it will start by telling me it was ASUS anti surge or just a plain restart with no error codes. But most of the time I got to flip the on/off switch on the PSU and take out the 24-pin power cable for the motherboard before it's fixed. So basically, same story as many others on these forums.



    System specs:


    Intel Core i7-6700K


    ASUS ROG Maximus VIII Formula, S-1151


    ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 ROG Strix Gaming


    Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 2666MHz 16GB


    Corsair AX 860i, 860W PSU


    Crucial® MX300 750GB 2.5" SSD


    WD Desktop Blue 3TB 3.5"


    Corsair Obsidian 750D Big Tower


    What I've tried:


    -Rebuilding the PC because I thought there might be a short circuit with a standoff or somthing. Nothing!

    -Testing motherboard, CPU and PSU to see if I can get up bios.

    -Testing Mobo, CPU, PSU and 1 brick of RAM.

    -Tried all of the RAM. 1 by 1.

    -Ran MemTest86.

    -Changing PCI slot for my GPU.

    -Checking temps on all components.

    -Rebuild the computer, 2nd time. Checking everything is snug and perfect.

    -Changing all the cables with new ones.

    -Send in a RMA for my PSU, wicth was tested OK with a stress test that lasted 60+ hours running PassMark, BurnInTest og Heaven benchmark.

    -Rebuild the computer again for the 3rd time. ran alot of different stress tests. This time there is no shutdown for 2 months, then shutdowns again.

    -Did some testing with support on the phone. Showed him this forum with all the posts about faulty PSUs. Send in a complaint to the seller, waiting for answer.


    I dunno what I expect by posting this, mostly for awareness and for others to see the problem. Ofcourse IF you know anything I dont please feel free to help me :)

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