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Posts posted by Monster511

  1. On 5/17/2022 at 5:52 PM, G8erHaTeR said:

    OUCH!  Corsair REALLY SHOULD advertise that little bit of info because I just spent $120 on 2 new Core XT's and sold my  2 Commander Pro's without any clue that I would just lose all ability to ever use any profiles on the internet.  This really sux!  Corsair really dropped the ball on this one!  Wonder how many other people will be finding this out the hard way!

    I am one of these people. Corsair changed something in iCUE that will not allow new profiles to show lighting on any fan or light strip when using the CoPro. Went and bought the XT thinking all my troubles would be fixed. Looking at the XT I thought "wow this is a downgrade from the CoPro.." Get home and I am sad. NONE of my old profiles work. Swap back to the CoPro for my favorite old profiles.. Not even Lewis newest profile works 100% on the XT and he made it for the XT. The fans and LED strips are still written for the CoPro lol. Lewis even works for Corsair. When profit is all they care about the little things never get thought of.

  2. 22 hours ago, c-attack said:

    Since you Commander Pro is still functional, one possible way to work through this is to connect them both at the same time and leave the C-Pro set up with it's prior Lighting Configuration.   Even with no physical fans connected, the lighting effects will be present on the C-Pro and this will let you copy them from there to the library and then over to the XT.  This is still a bit tedious in high volume, but it can be done a little at a time and is better than starting from scratch on really complex gradients or waves.  


    Something else to keep in mind and laterally related to the above, if your controller fritzes out and you have to replace it with an identical Commander of the same type, it's not plug and play.  If you connect a new Commander Pro to a system that previously had one, CUE recognizes they have different tags and treats them like Commander Pro #1 and Commander Pro #2.  This is necessary to make a second controller independent and not automatically synced to all like controllers.  The only way to put things back in place is to re-import your current profiles.  Then it reassigns the lighting to the new controller.  For this reason, always export any profile you've spent some time working on and keep it a separate location.  I store mine in folders with CUE version from which they were created.  Since profiles are not backwards compatible and we have seen generational shifts in profile compatibility, this can help straighten out a very large mess when a controller unexpectedly quits.  

    I ended up just going back to the CoPro. For anyone else running into old profiles not lighting up with the new XT just run both controllers and everything will work. Or as C-Attack said run both controllers and copy the effects to your library then bring over to the XT.


    Thank you again.

  3. 57 minutes ago, c-attack said:

    Not a solution, but this is the expected behavior.  CUE 4 profiles must be programmed for the specific device and in the case of RGB fan controllers both the specific controller and the fan type.  If you program a Commander Pro for QL x 6 and various patterns, then connect a Commander XT instead with those same QL x 6, they will not light up and the effect will be missing since it was not programmed for the XT.  Same thing when changing fan models and the effects are tied to the specific fan type -- you switch out your QL x 6 for ML-Elite x 6 and there won't be any lighting.  Lie to CUE and tell it you have QL x 6 with the ML-Elite connected and it will generate 34 x 6 LEDs with your old pattern.  This is why creating universal profiles and peer to peer sharing even more so.  You must program the profile for the exact combination of hardware the recipient will have.  


    The Commander XT is the newest Corsair controller and the one most often where you will run into this type of issue.  Older profiles written before it's existence won't show lighting for anything connected.  Alex and Lewis have to update their profiles to incorporate the Commander XT.  Some of their work likely does have it written in and they usually indicate the compatible devices on the profile page.  None of your personal CUE profiles will update the lighting when switching from a C-Pro to Com XT.  You will have to manually recreate the effects, but once you have done that and then exported the profile they are part of the code and stay.  It's not clear yet what this other issue with the Commander Core might be and if it also affects the Commander XT which is it's sibling.  

    Thank you for your response. I do wish I created peer to peer sharing from those profiles. I could of just imported it to my lighting library like you said.

    Good work around though.

  4. I recently had to get the XT due to my CoPro not picking up new profiles from Lewis or Alex. My XT does not work with the older profiles(LED strips don't show lights but my LL fans do) that were designed around the CoPro. All that work both Lewis and Alex did are gone. The moment I swap back to my CoPro all is well with the older profiles. Does anyone have a solution? It really sucks to lose my favorite profiles that have not yet been remastered. It also sucks that the CoPro is discontinued and that the XT isn't a comparable change offered by Corsair. I already spoke to Alex about t. Did anyone else have these issues? I am on iCUE. 4.27.168.

  5. This is still an issue we are working to resolve but to be honest, only a handful of you have ever forwarded me the data. This tells me a few things:


    1.) Its very system specific to a narrow set of hardware.


    2.) None of what we are implementing is working which means it could be a compatibility issue with the CPUID SDK (which is what Corsair Service talks to).


    3.) Some people have told me that they found it wasn't just iCUE triggering this, which complicates things.


    To complicate things, I can't get any of the hardware you're all using anymore either. So it is something we are working on, but keep in mind I have nothing more than what you all have provided to work with.


    I would love to send data your way James. Just let me know how and where.

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