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I love Crazykid

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Posts posted by I love Crazykid

  1. Hello KrazyKid, i love your profiles they are Awesome, nice work and Keep doing.


    I wanna request for a Anivia Profile from League of Legends!

    I want the Keyboard to be looking like ice. May with some mini effects, like some keys change their color from dark-blue ice to a bit brighter ice, just for realisticness.

    The Q W E R buttons should be an eye catcher so you won't miss them.


    For the Q, something should fly from left to right, like the kalista Q that you've done recently, but for my profile a bit bigger, and when i hit Q again, it should look like the keyboard freezes from right to left. And if possible, to start the freeze effect from the position it is when i press Q again. The effect should take about 3 seconds to go to the keyboard end.


    The W is her Wall, it spawns a big Wall of ice, the effect has to dissapear after 5 seconds how it should look like is left to you.


    The E is a Sharp projectile out of ice, it detonates when the enemy is hit, and there are some snowflakes raining down, so you could do it like the Q but a bit differently and not as big, but if you have a better idea do it :).


    The R is an Ice Storm so its a rotating storm out of ice, so you could make a ice storm on the keyboard, or maybe to choose that i can decide between 2 so the other R would be like circling along the spacebar to the numpad, then up and then to the f keys then to the G1 -> g16 -> Spacebar-> Enter at numpad. But important : The if i press R again, it should stop. If u dont understand it, dont worry i'll put a link there to make it clear.


    For D (flash) it would be cool if there is a Golden-Yellow wave starting from the botton to the top (the duration should be under 2 seconds, and for F (Ignite) a breathing/pulsing Flame effect that lasts 5 seconds.

    When i press B there shall be a Blue effect that looks like it (Video is Linked !) maybe Blue waves going upwards.

    The Keys : 1;2;3;5;6 - should change their color like a rainbow wave, and the key 4 should repeat pulsing/fast breathing Yellow .

    When i hit ENTER the keyboard should turn into a Cool White thats not too bright so my eyes wont fall off, and i would like to have a rainbow ripple effect when i type, like the white one you did in homefront 2 ^^, so that i can type.


    When i press Enter again it should switch back to the normal profile.



    When i hit G1 it should write : Top , and automaticly press Enter afterwards. The same for G2 : Mid ; G3 : Adc ;

    G4 : Support, and G5 for Jungle.


    I hope thats not too much, just be careful that the Important keys are good visible!

    My Keyboard : K95 RGB (EU)

    Here Anivia :

    Q (Flashfrost): http://cdn.leagueoflegends.com/champion-abilities/videos/mp4/0034_02.mp4

    W (Ice wall): http://cdn.leagueoflegends.com/champion-abilities/videos/mp4/0034_03.mp4

    E (Frost bite): http://cdn.leagueoflegends.com/champion-abilities/videos/mp4/0034_04.mp4

    R (Ultimate): http://cdn.leagueoflegends.com/champion-abilities/videos/mp4/0034_05.mp4

    B (Recall) : [ame]



    The keyboard circle when i ult (if u got a better idea, feel free to use it, or make it switchable !) http://fs5.directupload.net/images/151206/temp/t5dnbdoy.jpg


    Because i think the effect shown above would may be too boring.


    I would be really happy if u can make it happen!

    Would be a nice Christmas Present!


    Keep doing your awesome work

    ~ Marko

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