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Posts posted by Rising_Phoenix

  1. Sorry about that, I'll try to simplify it.


    1.) I would like a ocean blue color with a wave-like effect running normally. (If that's too hard/confusing I'm fine with a solid blue color).


    2.) I would like the R-Key to turn the whole keyboard into a frenzy of flashing red keys (this would be used if I'm under attack/heavily damaged).


    3.) I would like the Y-key to turn the whole keyboard to a yellow color, they should be flashing but not in a frenzy like the red keys.


    4.) I would like the G-key to make the keyboard return to the blue color with the wave effect.


    5.) I don't think you do sound effects, but if you happen to do them I'd like a siren to go off when I press R.


    6.) Thanks! Let me know if you have any questions.

  2. First off I'd like to thank you for doing this :) Second my request is a ocean blue wave type of profile that would flash red (if you can in varying lengths) by pressing the R key. Also if you could add a flashing yellow (without the varying lengths) it would be great. Not sure if you do sound effects but if you do a crazy alert sound for the red one and a more controlled tone for the yellow. Oh and maybe if you press G (for green) it sets the keyboard back to the normal blue wave effect. Thanks (it's for World of Warships if you didn't notice).
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