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Posts posted by Sentynel

  1. Did you copy and paste the line? It looks like there are some unnecessary spaces, which will prevent it from working.


    If all you have is a K70 RGB, the following should be sufficient:


    The spaces were a copy/paste fail into the forum, not present in the original. Setting your suggested line doesn't make any difference, but setting 0x4 instead (per the readme) to blacklist the device does work. Not totally happy with that as a solution, given the caveats in the readme and the additional (somewhat bizarre) issue that about 50% of the time after rebooting out of Linux, the keyboard doesn't work on the GRUB screen, but I'm not sure there's a better way to unbork whatever's causing USBHID to hang. (The keyboard did work before I installed ckb.)


    It should be doing that already. Might want to check your startup applications to make sure you've got "ckb --background" and not plain "ckb".

    This is likely due to the window manager they're using doing some helpful session resuming - I get the same issue. The process listing should include something like "ckb -session <long identifier here>". Apparently this gets run before the startup items at least on my system (KDE5), so it's starting that one before the one with the --background argument (which I guess quits because ckb is already running). The "proper" fix for this would be to support session resuming and check if the resumed session was minimised when it exited. At least on KDE it's possible to work around it by going to System Settings > Startup and Shutdown > Desktop Session and adding ckb to the "Applications to be excluded from sessions" box.

  2. I'm using a K70RGB on Ubuntu 15.04 (64 bit). I'm having an issue with usbhid - it hangs on boot for three ten second periods while usbhid attempts to talk to my device. [1] After the timeouts expire it starts up fine and the keyboard + ckb work perfectly, but the extended boot time is annoying me.


    I've tried supplying the README's suggested usbhid quirks on the Linux command line, but (with either of the two suggestions [2]) I get an error message to the effect that usbhid.quirks can't take more than four arguments, and once the system's booted my mouse doesn't work. (The keyboard is fine, and the boot process doesn't hang; I'm assuming usbhid is just not loading because of the error.)


    I've attempted to divine what the invocation for usbhid actually does, with little success, so can somebody suggest a line which will stop the hanging without breaking usbhid entirely? Thanks!


    [1] Here's the usb lines from dmesg: http://pastebin.com/RQh30t29


    [2] 0x1B1C:0x1B08:0x408,0x1B1C:0x1B09:0x400,0x1B1C:0x1B11:0x408,0x1B1C:0x1B12:0x400,0x1B1C:0x1B13:0x400,0x1B1C:0x1B17:0x400 or


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