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Posts posted by fa1408

  1. I just bought a 1500v2, after many years using the 1500V1 with the old driver (i guess is the 1.1.1 about everyone is talking about) because new ones are never been that good. That said, i bought the "same" headset because 1500 had really a good quality, comfortable, and i was afraid about change at all with another product, even if i paid more now that 2 or 3 years ago when i bought the v1... now only because there is a "V2" and minor improve i should pay the same amount (or even more in my case).

    But well, the price is not the problem. I've read in many posts that the V2 is almost the same as the V1, with an improved mic (still didn't tried it with someone else, i probably would kill their ears, lets wait 'till it will not be necessary) and audio. I've also read that the V2 are compatible with the old driver (i wouldn't have bought it if it wasn't), so i just plugged the new headset in a PC that used the V1 untill yesterday and i was expecting the same quality audio and stuff (maybe better, but the same was fine for me). That never happened. The quality is for sure worse, the 7.1 (always used it with V1) gave me an headache, and i still didn't find a setting that sounds natural. I don't know if i will ever find a solution, but for the moment i'm switching back to the V1: i changed it ONLY because the headset is almost broken, due to my fault, and sometimes the audio stops untill, playing with the cable, i don't find a position that give me the audio back. But that's a my problem, as i said V1 was awesome, i couldn't find someone selling V1 so i bought V2. And now that is what i've got. A new versione that is worse then the old one and i wasted 100 euros.


    Tried new drivers, the problem is still here plus new problems as almost everyone in other posts. V1>V2: how?

    Also i didn't noticed an administrator picking up the problem in the entire forum.

    For the moment i will give a last try uninstalling and reinstalling drivers...even if it means lose all my profiles and specs. If someone found a good setting with the 1500V2, please, help me. I will keep googling for a solution.

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