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Posts posted by directhex

  1. I suspect the attached SIV startup log may help you know what to send. Note that on Windows there is a one byte header (the RID) which I don't think is there on Linux.


    I don't think this thread mentions the 0x4F command. This should be sent first to find out which bridge channels are being used and what type of device they are. There are 8 bytes on the reply, one for each C-Link channel. The channel index must be in the high nibble of the command.


    GID     @ 07:58:38 seq 01 -> 00 02 01 4F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    GID                seq 01 <- 00 01 0F 05 FF 05 05 01 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00
    #define CLC_SET_BYTE    0x06    // 06 AA BB          - Write BB into one-byte register AA
    #define CLC_GET_BYTE    0x07    // 07 AA             - Read from one-byte register AA
    #define CLC_SET_WORD    0x08    // 08 AA BB CC       - Write BB CC into two-byte register AA
    #define CLC_GET_WORD    0x09    // 09 AA             - Read from two-byte register AA
    #define CLC_SET_MANY    0x0A    // 0A AA 03 00 11 22 - Write 3-byte sequence (00 11 22) into 3-byte register AA
    #define CLC_GET_MANY    0x0B    // 0B AA 03          - Read from 3-byte register AA
    #define CLC_GET_CHAN    0x4F    // 4F                - Report Channels - 8 byte reply
    #define CCT_PSUS        0x01    // PSU type Channel
    #define CCT_FLOW        0x03    // AirFlow  Channel
    #define CCT_LINK        0x05    //    Link  Channel


    Brilliant, thank you. That looks exactly like what I've been missing.

  2. Does


    03 01 09 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


    Look like a correct HID report to send to an H100i to get the FW version?


    I'm no longer causing kernel oopses all the bloody time, but my report_in is all 0's. I'm not sure if the problem is in my kernel send/reply code, or the actual HID report I'm sending.


    3 significant bytes, command id 1, retrieve 2-byte value opcode, register 0x01 (firmware version)

  3. I aten't dead.


    Took MUCH longer to build my new PC than I had intended. Got that done yesterday. Now I have a hacked up CorsairLinkPlusPlus (more accurately, I fixed HidSharp & built CL++ against it) running on Linux.


    directhex@bubblegum:~/Projects/CorsairLinkPlusPlus/CorsairLinkPlusPlus.CLI/bin/Debug$ mono CorsairLinkPlusPlus.CLI.exe
    + Root Device
    + Corsair Link
    	+ Corsair H100i USB
    		+ Corsair H100i
    			- Fan 2 = 957 RPM
    			- Fan 3 = 981 RPM
    			- Pump 4 = 2223 RPM
    			- Temp 0 = 26.76953125 °C
    			- LED 0 = 255, 0, 0 RGB
    					255, 0, 0
    		+ Corsair PSU AX860i
    			- Temp 0 = 31.5 °C
    			- Fan 0 = 0 RPM
    			+ PSU 5V
    				- Current 0 = 3.125 A
    				- Power 0 = 15 W
    				- Voltage 0 = 5.03125 V
    			+ PSU 3.3V
    				- Current 0 = 3 A
    				- Power 0 = 9 W
    				- Voltage 0 = 3.3125 V
    			- PCIe 1 Current = 0 A
    			- PCIe 2 Current = 0 A
    			- PCIe 3 Current = 0 A
    			- PCIe 4 Current = 0 A
    			- PCIe 5 Current = 0 A
    			- PCIe 6 Current = 0 A
    			- PSU 12V Current = 0 A
    			- PERIPHERAL 12V Current = 0 A
    			+ Mains
    				- Current 0 = 0.5625 A
    				- Power 0 = 92.1758952386575 W
    				- Voltage 0 = 240 V
    				- Power 0 = 103.75 W
    				- Efficiency 0 = 76.7552316199242 %
    -- END --


    So good job, guys - especially Doridian - it was trivial to make this cross-platform

  4. Good news everyone: I have swapped CorsairLink++ over to the cross-platform HidSharp library! (It is also faster than HidLibrary)


    I've reported one obvious problem in HidSharp to the library's author. It'd be nice if it was just on GitHub or something, but never mind.


    I should be able to take a closer look once my kit actually arrives.

  5. Thanks, this seems to work well. I hope that someone converts this into a kernel module.


    I'm taking a preliminary look at it (I don't plan on building the PC which will have the Corsair Link components in it for another month, though). It'd be great to cooperate with the existing guys on here who've hacked stuff together, of course.

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