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RM1200x SHIFT coil whine

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(I don't know why this topic was approved and suddenly removed. I asked for help in english yet the spanish version of the same topic is still alive. HELLO?!)

Before my newest build from 5 months ago i had this for nearly 6 years or more

-GIGABYTE RTX 2070 Super White Gaming OC
-64GB DDR4 2133mhz
-Noctua NH-U12S
-Thermaltake Core V71

More than 5 months ago the RTX had coil whine, but i thought "Why not do a partial upgrade?"

Changed components are

-GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Super Gaming OC
-Noctua NH-D15 CBlack
-Be Quiet! DARK BASE PRO 901 + a few more added fans, same model from the pre-built ones

Rest is the same. Sold the previous parts after seeing everything was smooth for a few months (Big mistake?)

Everything went all great for 5 months till 2 weeks ago the PSU started doing COIL WHINE. The serial number starts with 231777, probably early 2023 made?, if that helps somehow

Everything's nicely pressed, even the special GPU cable had the CLICK to know it's been well secured (With games there was no overheating nor bad smelling, if that helps)


-The noise comes and goes at random. PSU can be silent from minutes to hours, even with codifying some movies for 1h, and even during and after codifying nothing is heard... Then 5 hours later "Hi!", the noise happens. It happens mostly ON IDLE (No apps, no games, no downloads, etc)...

-If i throw a game like MARVEL's GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY or DOOM ETERNAL then the noise rises up slightly and if i move the mouse around in menus or during gameplay (with no enemies i lower myself down with the wireless mouse next to me) the noise VARIES UP...

-If the noise happens and i power off the PC entirely (No hibernation/sleep!) the noise keeps on happening from the PSU. If i unplug the cable from it it suddenly stops all quiet. Yes, i've tried other power sockets from the wall, all doing the same. Yes, i've used an AC outlet detector, it shows 220V. I have a long rule of sockets below my table so if one does it the rest should have it too. I even tried the tester to a socket from the other side of the wall. Same 220V. I even unplugged all the PC components off the PSU and the noise keeps on going and YES, i've unscrewed the PSU off the holding bracket and placed it outside: The bastard still coils (when plugged to the wall)

The noise can go from really low to a high pitch , ear/mind piercing unbearable (I have very sensitive ears, hence this topic). From almost silent to "Nyeeeeeeeeeee..."

What i've done so far was to buy another PSU of the same brand and model but 850W (To cut the price some). First thing i did was to plug it into the wall (No tower bracket nor other cables connected) and it did a faint noise that's like "almost heaven", so i threw everything in it. 3 hours later it said "Hi, did you missed me?"

Returned the 850W PSU to the shop and now i'm back to the 1200W one

I disconnected everything except the PSU, the monitor, the router and the fixated phone. The noise is still there

The PSU was connected onto the farthest away socket, with nothing on it's right and with an empty socket on it's left. To the left of the empty socket is the monitor

This noise is driving me crazy. Yes, i've used a toilet paper "tube" to pinpoint the noise as far as it can get (It's the size of an adult middle finger for ref) to the motherboard, the GPU, etc... But only the PSU has the issue

Months ago i was recommended to use this PSU or a Be Quiet! one from someone but went with CORSAIR due to the SHIFT utility (wich is a time saviour)...Now that same someone said "Told you to not buy that PSU" (probably the 1200W one but if it happens with the 850W then WTF?)

This PSU is in the Top Tier A from that PSU list btw...

Below you can see some video proofs




Please help me out!

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