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Suggested capability to increase mouse battery time


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I want the Corsair M65 RGB Ultra wireless mouse to have the ability to turn off the LED when it detects its movement. The LED position in this mouse is where it's not visible when using it. I love LEDs very much, but of course, when I'm playing, it's not desirable to have them on for the battery. If there's no movement again, the user is letting go, so the LED lights up again. There's a case-by-case difference in the amount of time that the user actually spends moving the mouse around. So for some users, these options help increase battery time.

The LED's options are always on or off. So I can't be bothered to change the settings every time in a hassle, so I can see the LED, but I use low brightness considering the battery time.

However, if you use these features, you can consider using the brightest brightness when you're looking at it without using your mouse.

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