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icue not detecting my H100i rgb platinum


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same for me. h115i doesn't show up in icue, fans at 100%


I already contacted support, told me to remove corsair link. didnt work for me, but maybe it does something for you.


I already removed icue and all its files then restarted and reinstalled. Still no change. When I first boot up my computer it looks like the cooler is operating normally where there are multiple colors flashing while the fans are running quiet. Then after about 10 seconds the base becomes a more solid color and the fans start ramping up. I've also taken a different cord and plugged it into the mini usb slot and just connected that cord to a usb in the back but nothing happens. I know my usb slot in the back is working because other devices work when connected. This is frustrating especially since initially everything was working until I did that update.

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