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Request Keyboard Profiles Here (courtesy of Krazykid)

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I have a K70 North American Keyboard and would like a Type Lighting (Key (and Ripple too if you have the time)) profile but to have the inactive keys (Keys that I'm not pressing) backlit with white! :) Thank you for everything you've done in this thread
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Hi there!


First off would like to say that the profiles you make are awesome! Would like to request for one :biggrin:


As I really like purple, can you make 1 with Full Purple background. Then whenever i hit a key, the key shows a random colour (while the background is still purple). After awhile, the pressed key goes back to purple. I think its called reactive keys?


New K70 user here, so pardon me!


Thanks for your effort!


Random color is not possible in Advanced mode.

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Hi KrazyKid,


Just bought a K70 RGB today and I'm already a fan of your work.


While I'm getting to grips with CUE perhaps you'd like to make a profile that:


Looks like the earth is taking up 50-60% (whatever looks good) of the keys and slowly rotating? Maybe even chuck in a few twinkly stars or a moon if it suits?


Just an idea I had after seeing Schwitz's Iron Man one (with the chest piece)


Thanks anyway.



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Hi KrazyKid,


Just bought a K70 RGB today and I'm already a fan of your work.


While I'm getting to grips with CUE perhaps you'd like to make a profile that:


Looks like the earth is taking up 50-60% (whatever looks good) of the keys and slowly rotating? Maybe even chuck in a few twinkly stars or a moon if it suits?


Just an idea I had after seeing Schwitz's Iron Man one (with the chest piece)


Thanks anyway.




Sounds like a very unique idea i might get to :)

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Hi KrazyKid


Been looking for a K95 CSGO profile for a long time and would love something like this but there's only a K70 version. Would appriciate anything you could help me with in trying to make a copy of this profile for the K95 or if it's possible to convert it.








Thank you!

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Hi KrazyKid


Been looking for a K95 CSGO profile for a long time and would love something like this but there's only a K70 version. Would appriciate anything you could help me with in trying to make a copy of this profile for the K95 or if it's possible to convert it.






Thank you!



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Thank you for your reply!


How about just reactive white keys with full purple background?


isint that too simple for a request? you can just select the whole keyboard and right click the color wheel, set it to purple.

watch this for 10 seconds to learn type lighting:


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well, I always want a profile for K70 RGB to work like CM Storm Quickfire Rapid-i(horrible keyboard BTW led s kept dying). The cross lighting effect in particular. It'll be great if you could make this happen. Thx mate!!! ::pirate::



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Hello, I'd like to request profiles based off of the five Epic camos in the latest Call of Duty game (Black Ops 3): Storm, Monochrome, Ice, Transgression, and Wartorn. I own each of these on more than 1 weapon, so if you'd like, I can take videos of them for you.


Thanks in advance!


Also, I use a Strafe RGB, so if you could make the profile compatible with the Strafe RGB, that would be great.

Edited by GreenGhost21
Forgot to specify that I use a Strafe RGB. Also clarified request.
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Would it be possible to make the following profile themed around the Mass Effect games? I use the Strafe RGB. Using Blue, Red and Orange (Colours of stars and used on the Normandy across its iterations) Not sure why kind of design would work other then have a pulsating N7 logo as a second mode. Maybe have blue rushing across the keyboard like when the Normandy is going high speed through a Mass relay.


I hope this helps somewhat and that it is possible sorry for asking if not. Thanks for sending me this way.

Edited by CJHGunner
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YOU CAN'T CONVERT FROM A K65, K70, or Strafe to K95. See Chart Below[/color][/size]


K65 -> K70 | K65 -> K95 | K65 -> Strafe

K70 -> K65 | K70 -> K95 | K70 -> Strafe

K95 -> K65 | K95 -> K70 | K95 -> Strafe

Strafe -> K65 | Strafe -> K70 | Strafe -> K95


Already downloaded the .prf for the csgo lighting profile and edited the <modelname> to K95 RGB but I just got this error and the profile has no lighting at all.



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Hey dude, you have the greatest profiles and modes, but could you make a sunset one, if that makes sense, so maybe go from light (yellow) to sunset colors to a night colour (blue) the a sun rise then back to day. If thats possible that would be awesome. Cheers dude
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With all the things im working on, Tech stuff for my Tech Channel (this include profiles, cue tutorials, etc.), Keeping up with the forums and working with the beta team, Making music for my Music Channel (if anyone is interested), and school work is all taking my time away, so for now i'm not sure how long it will take till i will start making requests at the same speed i once did. All i can tell everyone is, this request thread is not going down! I will definitely keep it up once i'm done making the stuff i really want to finish first. Lets not forget i still have that LoL Profile Collection to finish too.

Edited by krazykid
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Hello, I would like to request a profile. I've been trying to create them myself but I suck at it so here I am.


It should have 2 modes. One for regular typing and one designed for League of Legends. I know you have created some but they don't exactly appeal to me.


Typing mode: A simple slow Color Shift at reduced brightness (maybe 60%?) , but on typing I want it to ripple with the typed key being the center (at max brightness) for a few seconds then go back to the color switch


LoL mode:Very close to this: http://forum.corsair.com/v3/showthread.php?t=134204 (dont need as many modes as this guys has) bit with no "animations" (wave) on the other buttons. When pressing the Q, W, E buttons maybe light the keyboard white for a split second, and something more special when pressing R. B should make the keyboard glow blue for a few seconds, and D should make the keyboard flash yellow (for flash).


Thanks in advance. I hope this is doable, I tried to do it myself, but it was soo hard, you are a true master at this.

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