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10 Good
  1. Can you please make a cs go profile for me? - 1,2 have diffrent color depending on how much ammo I have - health bar from F1 to F12 - When my grenades are avalible (F for Flashbang, Q for HE grenade, C for smoke, V for molotov, X for decoy and T when i have the Bomb) - 1-5 on the numpad lights up for each kill I get (ect. 4 when I get 4 kills during that round) then reset after round - the section above the arrow key lights up when bomb get planted and thers's more than 10 sec left and when it gets under 10 sec it lights up in another color - redish theam I understand if it's not possible but if you could do it for me I would be forever thankfull! :) EDIT: I have a Corsair K70 LUX RGB - Magroth
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