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RMA Exchange is Out of Stock?

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Before I begin, I must make it clear that I don't have any problem with Corsair's products. I really like alot of them.

Anyway, I RMA'd my K95 RGB MX Brown keyboard to Corsair because the rainbow effect I used would cause the keyboard to freeze and become unresponsive until I disconnected and reconnected it. After shipping it to them (which cost 20$ by the way, which was outrageous) I updated the RMA ticket on corsair.force.com. Here's what they said:



Created By: Miranda CS (1/19/2015 1:45 AM)

Sorry for any inconvenience. We regret that we don't have any replacement units in stock at the moment. We don't have an ETA date as of right now, but when we have more units come in, a replacement will automatically ship. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions, please let us know."


Really? Really Corsair? Amazon has them listed for sale shipped and sold BY CORSAIR. Come on. You mean to tell me that you are out of stock for your own products and you don't have a stocking ETA? This is really absurd. I'm lucky I still have my old keyboard, otherwise I wouldn't be able to use my PC for several weeks apparently. Honestly I have no clue as to how a huge company could let this sort of stock oversight happen. I just checked the product list on Corsair's website, and apparently Corsair only stocks Cherry MX Red K95 RGBs. Could have told me that before I sent mine back. My suggestion is to just purchase one from Newegg or Amazon and ship it to me rather than waiting another month for a shipment to come in. Just my thoughts though. 4/10. Would not RMA again.

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I too am in a similar situation, my k70 keyboard has died and I requested an RMA. When I called up the customer care line (USA NUMBER!!!) I was greeted by a women telling me that the k70 is out of stock and she will let me know via email once the item is back in stock followed by "can I help you with anything else today" What a fu**CKING Joke. Are you serious corsair??? You expect me to have no keyboard until you get the item back in stock????


This is ridiculous!

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I have the exact same issue. I opened my ticket on Jan 11th, and I just received an email stating that they will restock my keyboard (K70 w/ brown switches) on March 11th. This means it will have taken a total of two months to resolve my issue. (Not including the amount of time it will take for the replacement to actually get to me).
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