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Toolbox Optimize - How can i use it correctly?


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I am running Corsair Force 3 240GB (the blue version) as the boot drive an on Windows 7 64bit Acer Timeline laptop system. It's a good combination for pretty generic use. Small read/write transactions are slow (latency) but not enough to get a new drive.

After toolbox came out i easily upgraded to 5.05 firmware and ran optimize. After several minutes of churning, my laptop ran much faster (i guess the older firmwares *may* have ignored TRIM?). Either way, the occasional "cleanup" makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


I sometimes run the Toolbox Optimize feature and after it reaches 100% my drive seems to lock up for what seems forever (sometimes it comes back after a few minutes and sometimes it never comes back).


Q) Am i not using the feature correctly?

Q) What is a realistic time to wait for a full drive TRIM?

Q) What can i do to reduce the chance of a drive lockup?


Thank you for your time.

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