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AX860i sudden shut down


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I have had my Corsair AX860i about 12 months now and has performed flawlessly until now. Computer suddenly just lost all power and refuses to power back up. I have unplugged all the modular cables and used the self test button. When i press the button the fan spins up and the led is green but only for maybe half a second. If i try it a second time and dont wait for the fan to stop spinning it wont light up the green led or power up,is this normal? I suspect a faulty psu?

Edit: Now pc fires up weird why the sudden shutdown?

Edit: Pc Boots into windows but Corsair H80i Led is now non functioning,could that have caused sudden shut down?

Edit: Led now works seems corsair link somehow reset itself,this software is terrible just dumped my whole link setup in favor of a normal fan controller because the cooling node and or commander died recently! Terribly unreliable,great concept but very poorly executed.

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