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Corsair PSU Labels


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Hi. I recently built a PC using the 350D, H110, RM750 and Dominator Pro. The PSU text is yellow and everything else is black, with a little bit of red. I was wondering is someone could point me to a place where I can find a printable version of the PSU labels (the side one with big text and the white one with a lot of text). I want to make them red and put them over the actual labels.


Also, should I worry about the material I print on? I know the PSU can get hot, but I don't think the outer case will get that hot that is affects the material.


Thanks a lot! :)

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The artwork itself does not exist in the wild. A PDF might not scale correctly unless it was a print ready version.


If you want to try your hand the font used on the labels is Gotham Bold it looks like and the logo is available from Corsair's website. You can make your own to put on the magnets. At that point I would just customize it to my taste and not use the Corsair branding though.

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