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HS70 headphone crackling - Seems to be iCue related


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So I have a pair of HS70 pro wireless headphones and in certain situation the audio is crackly - e.g. during the title music of the office, but fine for the rest of the episode. I've tested this situation with other headphones and speakers and it definitely only happens with the hs70s.


I saw a thread on here from ages ago that said it was iCue related so I uninstalled iCue and just ran the heaphones without it and lo and behold there's no crackle. However i've got 3 RGB devices that need iCue to control so I'd prefer to still have the software.


This thread - https://forum.corsair.com/v3/showthread.php?t=187654 - notes that he was able to uninstall the iCue drivers through device manager but I can't do that without disabling the headphones all together.


Any ideas?

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Okay so after a lot of troubleshooting I realised that in the hs70 page on icue "auto audio repositioning" was enabled - whatever the hell that is. Disabled it and no more crackle. Hopefully i help someone googling this same issue down the line.


There's obviously some weird dsp going on in icue that is messing things up. I'd much rather it by default just lets the headphones signal processing be unaltered, rather than it defaulting to all the god awful eq presets activated and sidetone activated causing hissing, and whatever audio repositioning is (sounds terrible imo but if anyone knows what it is i'd be keen to find out).

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