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About Christian1989

  • Birthday 01/03/1989
  1. I got a message from Corsair support today: Maybe it will work better now, even though, the past weeks, I personally had no more troubles.
  2. What could be helpful to track down the problem, too, is the following: For me, the mouse starts always in Standard mode and I cannot change profiles with the buttons. Clicking the buttons in the center does nothing. The lights don't change, no other profile is select. However, when I open iCue, I can select the profiles there. However, I still clicking the buttons does nothing. When then closing iCue, it immediately switches back to Standard profile. Then, when the "losing settings" issue happens, the Standard mode is like gone. Instead, I can now use the profile buttons, but only select between the three hardware profiles. Now way to return to Standard unless restarting the mouse. So, here, for HW1, in the DPI lights on the left, the bottom light is red. Clicking profile up results in HW making the middle light green. Then, one more up, the top light lights blue. And here, before, I could "overwrite" the HW profiles with my own. So, even when the "losing settings" issue happened, I would have my profiles. But then, some major issue somehow happened and all saved profiles were lost (still in iCue, though) and the hardware returned to its factory state. I cannot save my profiles on the mouse anymore. Now, one day, I connected my mouse with the USB cable to the computer before starting the computer. It was the first time everything worked properly. I could immediately use all profiles (my three HWs and the Standard one) and could use to buttons to select between those. Here, when switching the profiles, all three dpi lights would go up in the assigned color. I could always go back to standard. And when iCue was opened, it always showed which profile was select and I could also use my mouse in iCue and switch the profiles there. It was the first and last time it worked. Well, anyways, hope this description can track down the problem. I think the not working profile buttons are part of the major issue that causes the settings less and DPI change. And of course the fact with not being able to save profiles anymore on the mouse so that only the factory ones exist.
  3. Yes, it also happens to me when I use the USB cable that I lose the settings. Still, it could be an issue with only the wireless model. It seems not even Corsair knows the reason for the bugs. Maybe, it is just some minor thing that does not exist in the wired model and thus maybe does not exist there.
  4. Looking quick through the forum, it seems all the issues are for IronClaw wireless and not the wired IronClaw. Is my assumption correct? If yes, I probably would try to exchange my wireless mouse with the fix cable IronClaw. I actually bought Corsair because I wanted a wireless gaming mouse, but the issues are way bigger than the pros.
  5. The same issue popped up for me, today, too. Directly when I started the PC and the mouse. I could not connect to the USB wireless adapter. Mouse was just pulsating white. No PC restart nor mouse restarts worked. I fixed this specific problem (out of all the other still existing IronClaw issues) by connecting with the USB cable, open iCue and "reinitialize USB adapter" in the iCue settings.
  6. I think like things getting crazier and crazier with this mouse. Today, I started the PC and the mouse, the the mouse was pulsating white, no matter how much I turned it off and on. It could not connect anymore. Moreover, the profiles of the mouse changed back to "factory". Even though in the iCue software, it still shows the profiles I made (all the same), the mouse somehow got back to the very first ones like a factory reset. Also, now, I cannot even change it anymore. I cannot save any hardware profiles on the mouse. Also, after a while, I solved at least the connect problem by reinitializing the USB wireless adapter in the iCue setting. Still, all other problem I had before got somehow worse. This mouse is so strange... It's not like turn on an have fun or turn on and it works, you need everyday half an hour to two hours to find out why again nothing works today and never find a solution.
  7. I've got the same problem with the Ironclaw. And yesterday, it even happened that MB4 and MB5 did not work anymore even though I did not remap them or anything. Anyways, I do not want to write the same comments everywhere on the map. I described it yesterday on Reddit and just link it for now and will further follow this thread here. Is there any indepth manual for the Ironclaw? Or for iCue? E.g., when I have 1 default profile and 3 Hardware profile, what would be the deliberate way for me to switch from default to a hardware profile? Right now, I can only get the HW profiles when the mouse switches to them by itself. Actually, I only want the default profile, I am just asking to understand the mouse better. I cannot use the central profile up and down button when the default profile is activated. However, sadly, after a while, the mouse changes the profile itself. Edit: One user in another mentioned that the USB settings in the device manager should be changed so that the PC never cuts off USB ports to save energy. However, I think the mouse driver should handle this when the port is in use by the mouse. Also, another user on the German board stated to whitelist every Corsair iCue stuff in the anti-virus program and then reinstall iCue. However, I never seemed to have any issue with iCue and the antivirus program. Still, could this be viable solutions? My firmware and updates are all up-to-date.
  8. Gibt es von Corsair mittlerweile eine Lösung für das Problem? Bei meiner IronClaw Wireless ist die gleiche Problematik (auch wenn mit Kabel angeschlossen). Die Profile verstellen sich von selbst. Habe das Gefühl, es wird immer schlimmer. Ich habe einen Workaround versucht in dem ich einfach alle Profile angepasst habe (gleiche Einstellungen, keine "Aktionen") und auf die Maus überschrieben haben. Die Maus wechselt zwar immer noch selbstständig von "Standard" auf ein Hardware-Profil, aber dies hat keine Auswirkungen mehr, da DPI und Aktionen gleich. Doch gestern haben plötzlich die Sondertasten an der Tastatur (auch Corsair) und MB4 und MB5 der Ironclaw nicht mehr funktioniert. Als dann die Profile wieder wechselten, ging es, obwohl kein Profil in der Hinsicht eine abweichende Einstellung hat. Wie dem auch sei, ich bin mittlerweile nach PC-Start 30 Minuten nur mit Corsair beschäftigt weil irgendwas nicht wie gewünscht funktioniert. Habe mittlerweile alle Profile gelöscht. Mal sehen, ob das langfristig hilft. Gestern sah es noch nicht so aus. Jedenfalls, nachdem ich iCue erstmals installiert habe, hatte ich "Standard" als Profil und drei Hardware-Profile. Was wäre denn nach Corsair der Weg, um als Nutzer explizit von Standard zu einem der Hardware-Profile zu wechseln? Und sollte es eine Möglichkeit geben, um wieder auf das Standard-Profil zu wechseln außer die Maus oder den PC neu zu starten? Wie gesagt, der selbständige Profilwechsel der Maus + andere Probleme bestehen weiter.
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