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  1. I give up waiting, I'm done with corsair, moving onto the A50s. Thanks for wasting my money!
  2. bumping the issue. Some sort of response would be appreciated. @Corsair @Corsair Aaron @Corsair Alan @Corsair Albert @Corsair Angie @Corsair Art @Corsair Black Pearl @Corsair Blade @Corsair Brice @Corsair Calico Jack
  3. Bumping again. @Corsair Albert I noticed you were trying to assist before. I think it's obviously a systemic issue based on the number of us having this issue (and trying/failing with other solutions). How do we officially request the software to be fixed so we aren't limited so much on the side-tones. I have been a corsair-only guy mostly but this issue is REALLY starting to turn me the wrong way. I feel like I'm being forced to buy another headset (which won't be a Corsair) at this point because of the lack of solutions to a side-tone issue that doesn't exist on the "lower" void pro headset.
  4. Just bumping this yet again. It seems pretty cut and clear this is a software gain issue. PLEASE Just let us crank sidetones up more please! My sig other has threatened to trash my new very expensive headphones cause I'm always yelling since I can't hear myself talk. Really disappointing, since like others I've never had problems with Corsair's "lesser" headset the Void pros.
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