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10 Good
  1. you are right:p:, but Corsair can bring us functional drivers for W10 users:!:, and yes!, Corsair Gaming Headset Software 2.0.37 doesn't work :mad:.... in case you were wondering i have clean W10 installation.;):
  2. It is but I'm still experiencing troubles with those H1500v2 vol. to loud and mic. Seems don't work
  3. It is... And I'm still experiencing troubles
  4. The driver don't work.... I'm W10 user and the sound still to loud
  5. this "NEW DRIVER" Don't works (Corsair Gaming Headset Software 2.0.37)......:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::evil: Volumen Still LOUD
  6. We are experiencing problems with the drivers, which are not compatible with W10.adding that fact the headset i buy the microphone donsnt work
  7. We need the H1500 W10 Drivers Right Now. >.<'
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