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blinking mic switch on vengeance headset


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I would just like to say that whoever came up with the idea that the mic switch on a headset should blink when it is off needs to really think about pursuing another profession.


Most of the time the mic on a headset should remain off. It is turned on when you want to talk. Having it blink when it is off means it is blinking all the time. Day and night. So there is a blinking light at night in my office.


Really stupid.


I wish there was a way to disassemble the switch so I could remove the bulbs on it. Putting a light on a mic switch seems silly anyway, a simple on/off is adequate. If I knew of this blinking light thing I would not have bought the headset.


On another note, I have been searching and searching for a headset that does not cause my ears to ache. The corsair vengeance 1500 R that I have is better than any other headset that I have tried, but still after a few hours my ears begin to ache.


Anyone have suggestions?

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