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Corsair H100 problems again


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I had several issues earlier with my H100 unit, and now the pump in my new unit stopped working. Im getting very tired of all the issues with this cooler. Im trying to make a new account on corsair.force.com, but i get an error:



System returned error: System.DmlException: Upsert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INACTIVE_OWNER_OR_USER, operation performed with inactive user: []


Is it possible to get a unit that works better. Does the H100i work better maybe?


Im just very frustrated and just want my computer up and running.



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there was issues with the h100 which is why i suspect was the reason the I cooler was introduced.the h100i is much more dependable and better.

the signup area of support has been corrected and is up,post back if theres still an issue with signup

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