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Asus Maximus V Extreme w...


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Hi all,


i actually have a couple of questions that all group together actually.

my build so far contains:

Asus Maximus v Extreme

intel i7-3770K


the kits i'm looking at right now are:





first off, are both/either compatible with the Asus Maximus V Extreme board?

Asus' QVL doesn't appear to list any of the platinum series, and the memory finder on corsair's site only returns kits up to <= 16gb (of various configurations). i thought about going with two 16gb kits (CMD16GX3M2A1866C9) but from what the few posts i've read mixing kits might produce instability.



looking at the product pages i have a couple questions:


the C9 has a dhx heat spreader while the c10 has a platinum

but looking at the corresponding pages on newegg both are listed as having dhx cooling while only the c10 is listed as having a heat spreader. could somebody please clarify on that point?


then there's the tested latency difference between the two.

the c9 has 9-10-9-27 while the c10 has 10-11-10-30.

so, what is the difference between the two kits that the c10 has slightly looser timings? (might be a newbie question but hardware info isn't my strong suit nowadays) i'm asking for the difference in the kits since they both appear identical but for the timing.


Thanks for any help.

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first off, are both/either compatible with the Asus Maximus V Extreme board?

Asus' QVL doesn't appear to list any of the platinum series, and the memory finder on corsair's site only returns kits up to <= 16gb (of various configurations). i thought about going with two 16gb kits (CMD16GX3M2A1866C9) but from what the few posts i've read mixing kits might produce instability.

Both kits would be compatible for that MB.


And yes, do not purchase 2 16's if you want 32gig's . This practice started back when you could put just about any memory in a Mb and it would just work. Nowdays, with modern CPU's and the memory controllers being in the CPU's itself it is really important to have all your memory come from one single matched kit to avoid compatibility issues between the two kits.

the C9 has a dhx heat spreader while the c10 has a platinum

but looking at the corresponding pages on newegg both are listed as having dhx cooling while only the c10 is listed as having a heat spreader. could somebody please clarify on that point?

They both have the same basic heat spreaders... the platinums have lightbars on top instead of fins.

then there's the tested latency difference between the two.

the c9 has 9-10-9-27 while the c10 has 10-11-10-30.

so, what is the difference between the two kits that the c10 has slightly looser timings? (might be a newbie question but hardware info isn't my strong suit nowadays) i'm asking for the difference in the kits since they both appear identical but for the timing.

The C9 kit would be slightly faster at the same frequency. But nothing you would notice in real world applications or without running a memory benchmark to compare the numbers.

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