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Corsair 500R - Connecting fans to Motherboard


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Hello everyone,


I am having a problem with the connector of 2 fans at the front panel. I guess it is called 4 pin molex. one side is male as in the following:




Other side:



So what am I going to do with this molex? Should I convert it to 4 pin that can be connected to the motherboard? If yes, on which side of the motherboard? I don't know where to plug it. By the way, I have extreme4 motherboard. Thanks in advance..

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Thank you RAM GUY,


One side is female molex and what is the other side of the connector? I don't have such a connector that comes with the case and psu. Could you show me a picture of this connector?


Edit: I guess I found the cable which comes from psu. I totally forgot this cable which has 4 female molex outputs. I connected it to male molex and took a picture. Is the connection correct?



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