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Removing Dominator Heat Sinks


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I don't know if I'm in the right section for this and I hope if I'm not it's not like on the EVGA forums where some smart ***** is going to berate me for it but here goes. I have four sticks of Dominator ram TW3X4G1600C9D. I also have a water cooled rig using Koolance stuff. I want to remove the factory heat sinks and replace them with the Koolance water blocks. I removed the three hex screws from the top and the top strip came off but now I'm stuck. Is there a secret to continuing to remove the rest of the heat sinks? Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks :D:
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I guess I'll have to change the ram and spend even more money but I guess what they say is true, that a gaming computer is a bottomless box into which you pour all of your money. Do you know of any Corsair gaming ram that is 1600 or better that you can remove the heat sinks for liquid cooling? I don't care if it's Corsair or not, I just prefer Corsair and use it in all my machines and all the machines I build for customers.
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I just got an email from another forum and the guy said he did remove the heat sinks. He used a product called "Goof Off" which is basically acetone. He said that he carefully applied small amounts until the heat sinks began to loosen and ran a razor blade along the inside of the heat sink and they eventually came off and the eight that he did it to were not damaged. I like to gamble but not with stuff like that. I'm just going to buy different ram! What the heck, maybe I'll upgrade to 16GB of ram instead of 8. It's a good excuse to do it anyway!
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