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SMART Event (RAID0) - is my SSD dying?


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Hi All,


Today when rebooting I noticed that my array stack had a yellow status line saying (SMART Event).


I have two Force 3 120's on RAID0, both running 1.3 FW. Never had an issue.


When I booted into Windows and opened the Intel RST, I found the following:




Do I need to be anxious here? Is one of my SSD's really failing? I feel it's a bit "too soon" since I've only had them since September 2011. That's like 1.5 years.


Granted the PC is on 24/7, and they are at 60-70% usage most of the time. But I did not expect them to wear out so soon.


If anyone here has more info I'd glad appreciate the insight, I am not even sure if this is covered by the 3-year warranty or not. I'd love some advice on this.


Thanks everyone.

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Nothing at all, I haven't experienced any performance issues or anything of that sort.


It is the SMART Event error that's gotten me worried. Telling me that I should "Anticipate" a failure in the future.


Should I simply ignore it?

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Use crystaldiskinfo to examine the smart information for the drive with the explanation mark.


If crystaldiskmark shows the drives are fine, then I wouldn't worry about the raid message. If you need help interpretting the crystaldiskmark SMART values, post a screenshot and I'll do my best to help.

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Dang, 70 degrees? I don't recall the temperature inside my case ever topping 55 F to be honest. The room is always air conditioned, the case gets dusted once a month, and I monitor my temps from time to time to make sure everything is running as it should.


Don't know what to do at this point. I guess I just ride it out, suppress the warning and see what happens. I just dont want an SSD failure right now, I'm using the PC more than ever and need it to stay working until I'm done with this project I'm working on.


Thanks for your help canthearu. Hopefully if someone knows more they'll chime in here, but your observation is same as mine. I don't see any alarming numbers besides the temp sensor.

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i would ignore the temps in SMART. did you read the thread in my first post in this thread?

According to our Engineering people, the F40 and F80 drives do not have temperature sensors. So, any temp readings using those drives should be ignored. Also, readings on the other Force drives may still be incorrect with some utilities even after the 2.0 firmware update.
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Here's my theory, since I formatted and didn't rebuild the Array, something went haywire and Intel RST is just not happy with it.


I've ignored it until I can have time to format again and I will rebuild the array and see what happens.


Thank you all for all the help.

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