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Compatibility of two different Corsair RAM makes (same type [DDR2], timings, voltage)

Mr Davo

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Hi Everyone,


I currently have 2 x 2 Gig sticks of CM2X2048-8500C5 (DDR2 1066MHz) memory installed in my computer. I am aware that this RAM is no longer manufactured however I would like to upgrade my computer to 8 Gigs of RAM without going to the trouble of upgrading my motherboard / processor & RAM.


I have searched online and found some CM2X2048-8500C5D RAM (the only difference that I can see with this RAM when compared to my existing RAM is the marketing slogan "Dominator" and a different shaped heat sink).


Here are the specifications for my existing RAM and the RAM that I would like to add -


RAM that I already have in my computer


RAM that I want to add inot my computer


I notice that both the RAM that I already have and the RAM that I want have the same timing values (5-5-5-15) and Voltage (2.1V).


Can anybody shed any light on whether these different makes of Corsair RAM will work together?


Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Kind Regards,



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There is no way to tell if any two random kits would work together or not Mixing combing kits is a prcatice Corsair does not suggest or support becuase of this very reason.


However you can try what you like but if it doen't work r the system is unstable there is not much that can be done about it.

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Hi Technobeard,


I am definitely using 2 x 2 Gig Sticks, and unfortunately I couldn't find a link to the actual product that I have installed. For this reason I settled on a link that showed my RAM in the 1 Gig Stick variety - aside from the memory capacity everything else is true of my RAM (timings, voltage, etc).


Kind Regards,



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