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odd issue


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Hello I understand this is pretty late to post but I have been having issues with my 800D for sometime. I do not have RAID just have 4 HDDs. When they are all connected or in the bay I get a blinking grey/black (with green line at the top) screen and the OS never boots. System will not boot unless I remove ANY 2 drives. Cannot boot up with all 4 drives in the bay. I have been running only 2 drives in the bay and two separately connected below my optical drive. I still receive that annoying blinking black/grey with a green line at the top every time I boot but it disappears after 20 seconds. I wish to connect all my HDD in the bay, but cannot get the OS to boot. Any info will help.



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Yes I connected all 4 drives with separate sata/power connections and the PC booted Win 7 normally. So I then started bringing back the drives one by one into the bays. Once I connect the third drive; OS will not boot. It does not matter where or which drive I use, system will not boot if 3 or more drives are in the swap bay.
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