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New Build and lot of problems


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Hello - someone from another board suggested I post my problem here. From reading past threads it seems like a great place for help - hopefully you are able to help me with my problem.


Will try to keep it quick here.


Built my new machine on Monday but have had problems ever since. I started to get BSOD today doing simple things like transferring files. The BSOD was for Memory_Management. I ended up getting three of those and then later Cache_Manager. I decided to reinstall Windows 7 at that point thinking it was a problem with the install. I also had problems earlier with CRC errors when trying to install from a DVD. Thinking it was the DVD drive I swapped it out and things seemed fine - then they started up again.


I ran Memtest earlier and right off the bat had over 200 errors show up. I let it run for about an hour and it was at 1500 errors. I decided to see if I could figure out which stick(s) had the problem so I put them in one by one and ran memtest - this time none of them had any errors. I then tried three sticks, no errors. I then moved those three sticks to the opposite three slots and the machine would not post. I finally put all six back in (different order than before) and ran memtest for three hours - this time no errors at all....very strange.


Did some work on it tonight and things were going okay but was having the CRC and Corrupted file errors when trying to install from a DVD still. Based on another forum I changed some settings in my BIOS.


This is my RAM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145250 (6 sticks installed).


I changed the XMP setting from Auto to Profile1. By changing to Profile1 it changed teh settings to match the details of my RAM (1333, 1.65v, 7 7 7 20). Decided I would let memtest run at those settings overnight and right away had 200 errors again.


Decided instead to switch XMP back to Auto (1066, 1.5v, 8 8 8 20) and ran memtest - again 200+ errors right away. Currently memtest is running and will be overnight. It is right now on Test 7 with 44% Pass and 1700 errors.


Most of this computer stuff is over my head but I am able to learn quick with a little guidance.


Any help is appreciated, thanks!


PS: Will I be able to tell in the morning from memtest which slots/sticks had the errors since all six are in there right now? When I test individual sticks should I use the same slot for all of them?

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Test ONE kit at a time first, as you're running them outside of their spec. In otherwords, they don't guarantee that 2 random kits will work together as they simply haven't been tested together.


The only way to figure out if you have a bad stick is to test one stick at the same time in the same slot. That'll determine if it's a stick or not. Then, test one stick in each slot.

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Test ONE kit at a time first, as you're running them outside of their spec. In otherwords, they don't guarantee that 2 random kits will work together as they simply haven't been tested together.


The only way to figure out if you have a bad stick is to test one stick at the same time in the same slot. That'll determine if it's a stick or not. Then, test one stick in each slot.


I tested each stick last night for 7 passes each, all using the same slot. No problems except for one stick hundreds of errors appeared right away. Thought that was the culprit and let it run for a full pass. Then decided to remove/add the stick again in the same slot and ran the test again. This time (same stick, same slot) no errors appeared for 7 full passes.


After testing each stick I put all six back in and ran the test again. This time all the errors appeared instantly again.


I am now testing three sticks (not including the one that did show errors) to see what results I get.


They are all the same model type, but I am not sure which three came together since I have swapped them a few times now.


Could this possible be a motherboard issue, reading the sticks wrong? I only wonder since I have run the test on all six sticks at once and got no errors and have run it and got errors. Same with that individual stick (errors right away and another time no errors for 7 passes).



***** UPDATE *****


I tested the three sticks (not including the one that did show errors when tested by itself, then later did not show errors when tested by itself). The three sticks tested fine with no errors. I then booted into Windows and installed some programs from DVD's and they all installed fine - no CRC errors which had been happening before.


I then decided to test the other three sticks to see if errors came back. First it would not boot into memtest at all. I then removed and placed them again and it did boot into memtest but returned no errors in 5 passes.


I am now confused, because sticks that seem to show errors then come back with no errors at all if run again. Does this sound more like a problem with the motherboard at this point? Maybe the slots are not working correct which is why sometimes errors are being shown in memtest and other times they are coming back fine?


Thinking I may just RMA the RAM and the MoBo and start over at this point - more headaches so far than I ever imagined....

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