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Mixing 2 pairs with different specs


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Hello experts,


I wanted to upgrade my system, so i bought another pair of corsair mem.


Old config: 2x CM2X1024-6400C4


New Memory: 2x CMX1024-6400C5DHX


Installed all in my board (ASUS P5N32-E SLI PLUS), each pair in their own channel. Memory has different timings but stupid me was thinking the board will take care and put them all in the right state so they would run with the slowest timings.


Then I realised that the old mem runs with ~1.9V while the new runs with ~1.8. When all mem was on board the bios reported a voltage of around 1.88.


With all mem on board system is extremly unstable. With each pair seperated it runs well. So I figured the problem is the mixing of both.


Is there any chance to get them running stable by tweaking the bios? If so, what do I need to take care of? The BIOS allows me to set everything manually but I fear to break something.


Or are they cmpletely incompatible?


Thx for ur insights.

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i decided to send the new ram back. I didn't want to start experiments. So i bought the exact same ram (as my existing 2GB) on ebay again. Same problem. Turns out, there seems to be a problem with my board (ASUS P5N32-E SLI Plus).


This thread exactly describes my problem. I already updated to the latest BIOS which did not help at all.


I did a memtest with each pair. I also tried them in different memory slots. Conclusion: as long as there are only 2 modules on the board, everything is perfectly fine. All 4 slots used: memory errors all over.


Too bad. This was my last ASUS board!

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Even if you purchased the same part number RAM there is no guarantee that two kits will work together. That is why it's good to buy the proper quantity of RAM as one tested, matched kit.


I hear ya on the Asus mobos. I stopped using them years ago due to design and operational issues Asus was slow to correct.



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