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Asus P5E3 deluxe and Twin3X 1600C7DHXIN


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I have a Asus P5E3 deluxe wifi, QX9650, 2 gigs TwinX3 1600C7DHXIN ram, running bios 601, XP PRO sp2 and all updates, the problem is running the default bios settings my cpu is running at 3.20ghz (stock is 3ghz) and my ram is running at 1600 with 777 timings everything set on auto, I thought that I would have to enable XMP in the bios or set the settings on the ram and cpu manually to run at 1600 with those timings (I thought running everything default the cpu would be 3ghz and ram would run at 1333?). I have run memtest86 v1.70 for 13 passes (in fact its still running now) with no errors. I was just wondering why at default settings shouldn't it be running stock spd timings? I now running at those speeds is fine but I get hard lock ups and then have to do a hard reset to get up and running again, cpu vcore is set at 1.36 v and on auto...It seems to me that the ram is defaulting to XMP settings on auto in the bios instead of me selecting xmp settings? Any help would be great....Thanks
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I would suggest talking to the MB maker as that would suggest a BIOS issue.


Thanks, from what I've been able to find out, they have had a problem with the bios's, in fact Asus took down all the bios's above 504, the only problem is bios 601 is needed to recognize my cpu (QX9650)....thanks anyway...

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Did you happen to call their support?


I'll call today, I have been getting a lot of info from this forum, they have a couple of newer beta bios's (702 and 903) which seem to be better, but I'm waiting for a non beta, here's the link below, by the way I figured out the hard lock problem I think, its been really stable for the last couple of days, gaming, video encoding etc. Here's the test on the 1600 ram with the 777 timings on Everest 4.20 - read 10215 mb/s and 8384 mb/s write...Thanks again!



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