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RAM not recognized


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I am in the process of putting together my new system and I am having the following compatibility issues:


I cannot get XP Pro x64 to recognize my 8GB of Ram.


MB: Asus P5W DH Deluxe

OS: Win XP Pro x64

MEM: 2x TWIN2X4096-6400C5 G


I originally had trouble getting the OS installed (this is an entirely new build) with all 4 slots filled (possible mem leak). BIOS recognized all 8GB, but XP was very unstable. BIOS also showed the chips as PC5300 not PC6400. I had MAJOR problems installin XP with all 4 slots filled. I have since wiped HD and reinsatlled XP with honly 1 stick of above memeory. Second install was successful. BIOS is still, however showing that I am running PC5300 DIMMs and not PC6400.


I have checked with both COrsair and Asus regarding compatibility of the DIMMs I selected and my MB (both are supposedly compatible). Do you have any ideas of anything I can do to correct these issues?


Thank you in advance!


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Have you set the Memory Remap feature to Enabled in the BIOS Setup Utility? Flashed to the newest BIOS. For a new build, that's a pretty old board. I personally would go with i965 rather than the older i975. P35 would be even better as far as compatibility goes.
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Have you set the Memory Remap feature to Enabled in the BIOS Setup Utility? Flashed to the newest BIOS. For a new build, that's a pretty old board. I personally would go with i965 rather than the older i975. P35 would be even better as far as compatibility goes.


I will try that now. I am pretty new to building my own system (this is my second one), so there is a LOT that I don't know. I got this board because of the on board WiFi. I looked at the 975x boards but scasred off due to "questionable" feedback on the boards. I will try this and let you know shortly.


THANKS for the advice!!

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Getting this board to accept 8GB in any form is a plus. When this chipset was created, there were NO 2GB modules and there was NO testing that could be actually done on 8GB so it was all theoretical. My advice is either to move to a newer board or accept the limitations of this board as it is.
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On any Intel chipset based board, you can not expect the Northbridge Memory Controller Hub (MCH) to run with 4 DRAM Slots filled in the same mode and speed as with 2 DRAM Slots filled. Data accesses and loads are going to take longer and so the MCH runs slower. Since it runs slower, the DRAM must be lowered to create a working relationship. This is why the chipset lowers the speed.


Since you have enabled the Memory Remap, now you can test and see if XP-64 will install correctly. As I mentioned previously, you have the oldest chipset so it's not going to be as tested with the DRAM components as the newer ones. That chipset was created before Core 2 was even released. It was created for the Pentium D and the VRM was revised for Core 2. Not the best choice for what you are attempting to be sure. If you can find any stability with 8GB on that board, and do not wish to transition to a newer chipset (although you will still have the MCH issues and need to drop the DRAM speed with 4 Slots filled) then I advise you to be happy.


Regarding the OS. I would think that this OS should have no issues with 8GB. Regarding the DRAM. You can test the DRAM in 2 X 2048 configurations with Memtest to be certain.

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Thank you very much for your help. I will try to see if XP recognizes the remaining 6GB; but I will probably RMA the board I have and opt for a newer chipset. Your recommendations on that are either the i965 or the P35 (with preference to the P35)?


Thank you again!!

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Thank you very much for your help. I will try to see if XP recognizes the remaining 6GB; but I will probably RMA the board I have and opt for a newer chipset. Your recommendations on that are either the i965 or the P35 (with preference to the P35)?


Thank you again!!


The i965 went through two iterations, being C1 and C2, then a die shrink and additional (DDR3, etc) instructions brought about the P35 which is a very robust and very cool chipset. The X38 is a transitional architecture and it is doubtful that it will receive revamping/revitalizing etc. It runs very hot and I would personally advise against it. Although it is somewhat faster in DRAM translation (DRAM Recovery times) it is not as cool and stable as the P35 chipset. At this time, I personally like the P5K-E / Wifi model. It has an 8 phase power design (identical to Deluxe and Premium) and runs nicely.


Keep in mind, that with 4 DRAM banks populated with 6400Mhz DRAM, you will likely have to drop the bandwidth to 667Mhz to achieve stability with the MCH Northbridge.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, Lloyd, I have the same MB but my problem is not the speed (I dont mind if it slow a bit) but I cannot recognize all installed RAM:


I have 6 GB - 3 x 2Gb

but bios shows:


Total - 6144 mb

appropriated - 1408

available - 2688

and the rest of 2048, just desappear..lol


Did u recognizes all your * or 6gb RAM, in the bios, with "memory remap" disabe?


Did u had the "apropriated" RAM amout too?


thank u!!!


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Yes, I´m using a 32 bit OS, but its Windows Server 2003 enterprise 32bit... according to microsoft site, and MB manual, This OS must accept 8gb... in fact accept 64gb.


PS. I did some researches and of course, all the programs and "process" can only adress a 2gb amount, because of the 32bit limitation - but it have to recognize all the installed memory, and if I have 8 gb RAM, I can use for example, 4 simultaneous programs, adressing 2gb each one.


BUT, my real problem have nothing to do with OS, as the BIOS not recognizes the RAM as it should.


I have installed now 6gb (3 x 2gb)

the bios shows:


Total mem: 6gb (ok, here is right)

appropriated mem: 2gb

available: 2gb


so lets see: approp+avail = 4gb... Where hell are the another 2gb ????

So, The OS shows only the available number.


PS 2. And I think that apropriated memory, must have to do with my Video card... Geforce FX 8500 GT 512... (as I did a research it is a "memory hungry")


In fact, I can "be ok" with the apprpriated thing, but I HANNA see 4gb available (6gb - 2gb aprop) hehe


If I take off one stick, and have only 4gb, the numbers are correct:

Total mem: 4gb

appropriated mem: 2gb

available: 2gb


If I turn on the "memory remap" thing, thats ok too... all my 6gb available, BUT my os is 32 bit and only shows 2gb (have to turn off mem remap to see the real number)


Maybe I have to fill all the slots, put 2gb more... to work with "pairs" of sticks??


Thank u for your help, and sorry for the long reply...


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Hi DerekT, thank u for the reply !


But I´m sure it´s not a OS/windows problem, because it just shows what BIOS give to him...


Bios only recognizes 2.6 Gb available, so Win "see" that number too...



Total: 8Gb

Appropriated: 1.5 Gb

Available: 2.5 Gb


so I think "approp." + "Avail." = 4Gb, where are the other 4gb???


Only disponible if I turn ON the memory remap thing?

thank u all

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Yes, I load the default settings, updated the bios, mannual settings at memory... in the memtest, it shows exatelly what bios shows.


If I enable mem remap, and use the option /PAE in boot.ini, windows server 2003 will see all 8gb ram, ok...but have some issues...sys not stable...


so I´d like to test w/out mem remap, but It seems if I turn it down my MB can detect the 8gb total, but can only give me as "available" 4gb minus appropriated mem... that´s 2.6 Gb :-(

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thank u for your assistance...

in fact the problem was that when I load the OS with memory remap "on" and /PAE switch I got some problems and performance down...and audio was weired...when play a wav file and reads the HD, the audio dropped out... So I Installed the SP2 to win server 2003 enterprise, made some manual configs...and evrrything WORKED !!! now that´s ok!!


I thought that a "audio playback" and a "HD reading" was something so "normal" that I thougt that the problem could be "bigger" them was...some driver problem, memory or etc...but was simpler...just an SP2 update... and now I have 8gb (4x2) manually configured and working at 800 Mhz DDR 2.


thank u!!!

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So I Installed the SP2 to win server 2003 enterprise, made some manual configs...and evrrything WORKED !!!


You might wish to contact Microsoft to deal with this issue. Clearly it is an OS issue.


Go figure :D: Glad you got it all straightened out.

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