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RAM Compatibility & POST

Mark Mac

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Hey all,


I'm trying to put together my first system and I've run into a little bit of trouble. Hopefully someone here can help me out. =D


I tried booting up my system with just CPU, fans, RAM & video card plugged in. The fans all powered on but I didn't hear any beeps and nothing was displayed to the monitor. It didn't shut off after about 4 seconds like I've read about happening for other people. Until I hit the power button a second time, the system stays powered on.


After that I pulled everything out and started putting it together piece by piece. With just the CPU in, I heard the "long beep / short beep / short beep" repeating sound. That seems normal enough. Once I plug in some RAM, the fans power on but no beeps are heard. I tried putting in just one stick of RAM in different slots to no avail. I also tried the same with the 2nd RAM stick in my pair thinking the first stick might be bad. Same problem. I then went and picked up some cheaper, slower XXXXXXXXX RAM because some seemed to have success with that. No luck for me.


I figure it's a problem with RAM but the Corsair kit I have is a compatible kit according to the Corsair website. Do I need to somehow update the BIOS to get the Corsair kit to work at all or should it at least POST without any updates? If anyone has some tips of suggestions for me I'd really appreciate it!



AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+

Asus M2N-SLI Deluxe

Corsair XMS2 2GB (2 x 1GB) DDR2 800 (PC2 6400)

BFG Tech 7900GT 256MB PCI x16 Video Card

OCZ GameXStream 600W PSU

If neither the corsair memory nor the other brand of memory worked, then it's doubtful it's a memory issue. could be slot issue, could be memory controller issue.


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