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Bad Module but what to do?

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Well the other night palying BF2 I had a entire system reboot when playing, and lately my load times have been leaving a lot to be desired. So I have memtest always standing by just in case and it reported 3 bad memory addresses. However the retailer I purchased them from only provides the standard 90 day warranty, but they are on your list of official retailers. I have a pair of Twinx1024-3200C2PT running in a abit ai7 mobo with a 3.0 Ghz P4 no overclocking enabled and the dram voltage is set to 2.56, all of these settings were set by the mobo automatically.
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Alright I set everything you said to do and ran memtest. It reported about 3 times the amount of errors this time. And when I tried to boot into windows in the middle of the welcome sound it restarted after a breif pause. So I had to set it back to bios control to get it to restart correctly. Would this situation be caused by bad ram or an incompatiblity with my mobo?



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