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Samsung -5 TCCX IC's - what does it mean?


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This is my second post here. The first I placed in the "IC Inquiry Thread!" but it's gone :-) But thanks to RAMGUY I found out that my two CMX512-3200C2PRO XMS3202v4.1 modules but each with different LOT CODES are on Samsung -5 TCCX chips. What does it mean to my future o/c results (I have to buy only a video adapter and than finished complete my computer)? I have an ABIT IC7-G Rev. 1.1 mobo and Pentium 4 2.8C GHz SL6Z5 processor. What does mean -5 and TCCX, is it better than well know TCCD IC's?


Many thanks in advance for Your help and sorry for my poor English.

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  • Corsair Employee

Taken from the bottom of "IC Inquiry Thread!"

TCCX = Is a down binned TCCD IC whether from Samsung or by us, so it can be a TCC3 or TCC4 or TCC5 or a TCCD marked on the IC, but it really does not matter what IC we use as long as the modules meet their tested spec.
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CAS Latency (tCL): 2.0 (2.5 for AthlonXP)

RAS to CAS Delay (tRCD): 3

Row Precharge (tRP): 3

Active to Precharge Delay (tRAS): 6


Memory Voltage: 2.75 Volts

All other settings to defaults.

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