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Twinx 2048


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having issues with this mem. occasional general protection faults when playing UT2004, locks up, or freezes. Windows XP runs stable though.

have the settings at 2.5-3-3-6, as suggested in some forums. voltage is set at 2.7V.


have latest BIOS for that board.



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I'd raise the RAM voltage up to 2.8v which is safe and within warranty spex. Also, make certain that you have disabled any of the turbo or performance enhancement functions as they can and do often introduce instability. If this does not help, try running Memtest86 on each individual DIMM for 3-5 passes to see if you have a failing module. Repost and let us know.



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tried 2-3-3-6 at 2.7V - memtest fails on test #5

tried 2-3-3-6 at 2.8V - memtest fails on test #5


will try 2.5-3-3-6 at 2.8V and will let you know.


2.5-3-3-6 at 2.7V passes, but have the occasional freezes when playing games.


I'm not overclocking anything, and I set everything else to default.


there's a reason I bought CAS2 memory, and would like to be able to run it at those timings.


I've been to dfi-street.com and have read all the issues other people are having with corsair memory. should I return them to newegg and get something recommended by DFI? I'm not planning on overclocking this machine.


thanks for the quick reply specmike

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Contact DFI or have a look around at their forums. There are some beta bios' floating around that are reputed to solve this issue. Apparently, some of the bios' work better with specific types of memory so see if you can get the one tailored for the Corsair. It seems to be a DFI bios issue but they are working it out.



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