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Mixing Memory


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When I first built my computer, I decided to put 256 mb stick of valueselect 3200 ram. Later on, I bought the same stick again to run in dual channel, and it works like a charm. But I recently bought two sticks of the CMX256A-3200C2 XMS series to run dual channel together, and after playing PlanetSide for 3 minutes my screen blacked out. Can this be caused by two different models of sticks? :confused:My motherboard is at stock settings, nothing over-clocked. By the way I cannot run memtest because when i run the installation program this error comes up:


C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.


Then it gives you the option to 'Close' or 'Ignore'

I tried ignore, but it didn't work and it froze up my floppy drive (or at least the working light on the floppy drive is constantly on) and shutting off the computer completely doesn't fix the problem.


Thanks for your time.


Sorry, you didn't seem clear

I also thought that you might've thought that i was running the value select and the xms in the same dual channel

I'm extremely sorry for the inconvience

And do you know of any other program that works with windows to test memory so I dont have to install anything on a floppy like the issue I explained before with memtest?



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